All articles must come from FSCJ’s databases and must be approved by your instructor. All must relate to the material covered in this class.
In order to help you locate appropriate sources, please use the Do & Don’t guidelines below:

Access FSCJ’s Library and Learning Commons and use the appropriate search terms, such as “financial elder abuse,” “age-related discrimination,” “depression and aging.”  Pick one topic only for your review.
Be sure to narrow your search to peer reviewed journals. Pay attention to the purposes, participants, variables, and implications of the study.
Use social work, psychology, and sociology journals only.
Keep track of the exact keywords you use to search for your articles and databases in which your articles are cataloged.
Note that the advanced search function may require you to put part of your search terms in quotes. When you locate the article, make a note of the database.
Select current articles published in the last ten years.
Use books, book reviews, review articles, meta-analytic reviews, editorials, Wikipedia, blogs, or websites.
Use an article containing the word “review” and/or “meta-analytic review” in the title or the abstract.

Type your proposed list of articles in a Word document and order the list of references in alphabetical order. Be sure to include the database in which each article is cataloged.Submit the document through the online assignment submission.

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