Need answers for the below quizz questions

  1. In the context of the three stages of understanding a visualization, Interpreting refers to which of the following:

2. Which of the following are the three principles of a good data visualization?

3. There are four stages of a visualization workflow.  Which is the first step of the visualization workflow?

4. Which of the following is true of a brief?

5. Project _________ can best be defined as the frictions and freedoms imposed on you and determined by you.

6. Which of the following is not one of the four constraints to developing your visualization solution?

7. According to Kirk, the definition of vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom

8. Explanatory visualizations are focused on helping the viewers discover and form their own interpretations

9. _________ visualizations require the viewer to do work to interpret meaning

10.  ___________ involves using special programs to extract structured and unstructured items of data published on web pages.

11. Which of the following are the two main categories of data?

12.   ______________ involves manually sourcing relatively small amounts of disparate or dispersed data values.

13. Data types can be qualitative or quantitative.

14. Time-based data is known as:

15. Numeric measurements with significant properties of both distance and scale are known as:

16. A qualitative data type characterized by some notion of order in the relationship between categorical values is known as:

17. Any modifications or enhancements applied to your data need to be noted and explained to your audience

18. ________ involves eliminating what you do not need including variables or items of data that serve no value and take up space and attention

19. The first aspect of editorial thinking is:

20. The editorial perspective associated with refining the content to be included in your analysis is:

21. __________ is the editorial perspective concerns which items of data is chosen to be emphasized.

22. Which of the following is not true about R?

23.  In R, objects include names, types of objects, attributes, and creation

24. R naming conventions are not case sensitive.

25. R naming conventions allow for the use of underscore.

26. Which of the following is the correct R command for list objects?

27. Which of the following is the correct R command for remove objects?

28. During R sessions, you can use the arrow keys to review the command history.

29. The R command for reading data from an external file is data.entry ()

30. Which of the following are the two most common object types for statistics?

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