Social Deviance
Topic: Using Sociological Theory to understand social deviance as it relates to race, class, and gender
This paper is due on the date stated in the syllabus, and it is worth 15 percent of your grade. Based on library research and careful analysis of the literature that you find, you will write a 12-page paper that includes citations from 10 academically credible sources. At least seven of these academically credible sources must be based on a peer-reviewed publication such as an academic journal or book. You may also draw from the sources provided through our course. Your main objective is to use a sociological theory or multiple theories, such as any of the micro-level, macro-level, or critical theories we have learned in class, to analyze the pools of thought that derive from your literary sources regarding the impact of race, class, and gender in the definitions of and societal reactions to deviance.
These sources need to provide evidence that supports and enriches your analysis and the conclusions you draw from it. This assignment is meant to illuminate how definitions of and societal reactions to social deviance interact with ideas about race, class, and gender.
How to Organize the Paper
Here is a format to writing a research paper that may serve as a helpful guideline for your Literature Review Paper:
I. Introduction
Most academic introductions follow an “inverted pyramid” structure: they start broad and narrow down to a specific thesis or research question. The introduction should reveal some broad knowledge of the overall topic and quickly focus on the major points of the paper. Your introduction must include a thesis statement. The thesis statement may mention what theory or theories you will use to analyze the topic of social deviance and the intersection of race, class, and gender. (1-2 pages)
II. Background, History, Review of Literature
This section provides the necessary background or history for understanding the discussion to come. A Review of Literature more specifically synthesizes information from a variety of significant sources (i.e., peer reviewed journals) related to the major point of the paper. (4-5 pages)
III. Argument, Critique, or Online assignment help tutors – Discussion
This section is the “heart” of the paper—where the writer finally makes the major point or claim the previous sections have led the reader to expect. This section will usually be the lengthiest section of the paper and should include a thorough and well-supported argument, critique, or discussion. (5 pages)
IV. Conclusion
The conclusion should reinforce the major claims or interpretations in a way that is not merely a summary. The writer should try to indicate the significance of the major claim/interpretation beyond the scope of the paper but within the parameters of Sociology. The writer might also present complications the study illustrates or suggest further research study. This section will also provide an assessment of the effectiveness of your inquiry. (1 page)
V. Works Cited or References
This section does not count toward the 12-page count of your paper, but you will still be graded on how well you cite the publication sources you use for the paper. For the Literature Review Paper please follow the American Sociological Association (ASA) reference/citation style. I have posted the ASA style guide as a handout on Blackboard.
Other Considerations:
•Papers must be typed or computer generated on clean, white 8.5 X 11 papers.
•Cover sheet with your name, course number, class day, time, and date at the bottom right hand corner of the paper. Creative title is in the middle of the page
•Font must be no larger than 12 points and must be Times New Roman or Garamond.
•Paper must be double-spaced.
•Paper must have one-inch margins all around.
•You need to include a works cited/bibliography that shows sources for information used in your paper. If you have questions on how to give credit to sources, please see me. You need to use the American Sociological Association style guide for your in-text citations.

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