Our ebook reading covers three major composers of the late Baroque era: Vivaldi, J.S. Bach, and Handel.
For our researched Graded Online assignment help tutors – Discussion, find one piece of music by one of these “big three” composers, and one piece of music by a less well known composer from the same era to compare.
You’ll focus your listening, research and writing on just one movement of each of the two pieces.
Main Post: (approx. 750-800 words)
Your main post must include accurate, clear info for each of the two tracks:

Name of each composer. (one of the big three, and one that is less well known)
Title of each piece and movement number or title (if from a multi-movement work)
Approx. date of composition for each
Accurate url to each track, that take the reader directly to the specific movement. (you may use Naxos or YouTube. Naxos is much easier to link to the exact track).
Background info about each piece. Was it composed for a special occasion or for a particular performer or performing group? Was it unusual for its time, or is it a typical example of the period and the genre.  Create a brief listening map for each track, with 2-3 three track timings and musical description of what you think is interesting and important in the music to share with readers of your post.
Be sure to include a brief bibliography of your sources at the end of your post! I need help writing my essay – research paper make it a list of urls you used that your fellow students can also consult as they read your main post. 

Reply post:   (approx. 200 words)
After making your main post, an interactive reply post to the main post of another student is required. 
Make a point of carefully listening to the music in the other students post. Comment on how it compares or contrasts with one or both of the pieces you selected.  Look up and share a link that you feel is relevant to that student’s post. To earn full credit the reply post must include this level of evident interaction with the other student’s main post. 

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Ace Tutors
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