The following topics are not acceptable:

1. Random Acts of Kindness

2. Adopt, Don’t Shop

3. Electric Cars vs. Gas Powered or Hybrid Cars

4. Stop Pollution

5. Recycle

6. Exercise

7. Legalize Marijuana

Monroe’s Sequence Template Outline

(Monroe’s Sequence is based on 5 steps that must be followed in order)

Name: ___________________________ Class Ref# XXXX

Specific Persuasive Purpose: ____________________________________________

Attention Step 1:

I. (Gain Attention): _____________________________________________________


II. (Establish Credibility):________________________________________________

Need Step 2:

I. (Need): _____________________________________________________________

a. Support for need step.

b. Further support for need step.

c. Further support for need step. (include as much support as your time allotment allows)

Transition to Satisfaction Section: ___________________________________

Satisfaction Step 3:

I. (Satisfaction): _______________________________________________________

a. Support for satisfaction step.

b. Further support for satisfaction step.

Transition to Future Visualization Section: __________________________

Visualization Step 4:

I. (Visualization): ____________________________________________________

a. Support for visualization step.

b. Further support for visualization step.

Transition to Action Section: ____________________________________

Action Step 5:

I. (Action): __________________________________________________________

a. Support for action step.

b. Further support for action step.

Transition to Conclusion _________________________________________16


I. (Brief Homework help – Summary):

II. (Memorable Concluding Remarks and Call to Action):

References Cited: List all sources consulted/cited in ace my homework – Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format




Guidelines for Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

(Review in Conjunction with Textbook pages 435, 436, and 437)

Step 1: Attention.

Attention-Getting introduction;

Establish Personal Credibility

a) Begin by saying something that grabs your audience’s

attention and orients them to the issue at hand (a humorous

story, a series of rhetorical questions, a quotation,

a startling fact or statement, etc.)

b) Establish Personal Credibility

Step 2: Need

Explain the PROBLEM! Prove

that the problem is real.

Persuade the audience that they have a real, significant

problem that affects their health, happiness, or quality of life

Right Now. Present logical and factual evidence to show

the need for your problem. This is a good place to cite


Step 3: Satisfaction

Present a SOLUTION to the

problem explained in Need


1) State your solution to the Need

2)How will your solution satisfy or fulfill the above need?

Consider the following supporting materials: Testimony of

credible sources. Factual and authoritative evidence that

your solution will work. Emotional appeals, or stories, may

also be used.

Step 4: Visualization.

Tell a story, give details, use

examples, about a future

time when your audience

takes the action you

suggest, and is healthier,

happier, or better off.

Help listeners to visualize your solution. Give examples, tell

stories, provide personal details about a future time when

listeners take your suggested solution and enjoy positive

results. What good things will happen if listeners agree with

you? Be specific.

Step 5: Action.

Explain how, where and when

we should implement the

Solution step. Be specific.

Memorable Concluding

Remarks/Call to Action

Leave your audience with specific suggestions on how,

when, and where they can do what you suggest.

End your speech with a brief summary of the speech Body,

and a memorable conclusion, such as a Call to Action.

Monroe’s Sequence Sample Speech Outline

Name: Imma Student Class Ref#: XXXX

Specific Persuasive Purpose: To persuade my audience to consider acupuncture when

they are sick or in pain.

Attention Step 1

I. What can treat almost any illness without going to a medical doctor? What can treat

emotional problems or depression without drugs? What can you do to stop pain in less

time than most pills and injections? What can help you to live a pain-free and happy life?

II. I have been under acupuncture treatment for the last 5 years, and have found that

acupuncture has helped me to deal with a number of chronic health issues, including

migraine headaches. I now lead a healthier and happier life!

Transition: You may be asking yourselves, what is acupuncture, and why would I need it?

Need Step 2

I. Acupuncture is defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica as “…an ancient Chinese

technique that consists of manipulating thin, solid needles that have been inserted into

acupuncture points in the skin.”

II. Traditional medicine can be costly.

A. When many of us go to a doctor, we have experienced both the high cost of our

medications and extreme cost of the doctor visit itself.

1. According to the American Journal of Health (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers), routine doctor visits

can range anywhere from $200 to $550, depending on the doctor, what needs

to be diagnosed, and whether or not we have insurance. A visit to a

pharmacy, such as CVS or Walgreen’s, could cost anywhere from $89 to $129

without insurance. Medical tests and other additional procedures can range in

the thousands of dollars.

III. Traditional medicine can have serious side effects.

1. According to the American Medical Association Online Journal (AMAOJ)

(2020), many patients become addicted to medications prescribed by

medical doctors. Clinical studies have shown that many medications

have unwanted, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, side effects.

2, Also, according to a MOAJ (the Medical Online Acupuncture Journal) study

published in 2020, many patients become addicted to pain medicines,

which can have serious side effects.

a. The current opioid crisis in America

Transition: Now, let’s look at a clinically proven, safe and effective method for treating

what ails you.18

Satisfaction Step 3

I. Acupuncture is a proven, effective and painless way of treating chronic pain and


A. The WHO (World Health Organization), in a study dated 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, has been endorsing the

use of acupuncture as a medical therapy for over 20 years.

1. Furthermore, of the 5690 patients who completed treatment, the mean success

rate in a drop of pain intensity was 79.7%.

B. The NIH (National Institute of Health) in a report dated 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, states that acupuncture

is safe and effective.

1.There is absolutely no risk of catching any type of communicable illness from

acupuncture needles. New needles are used for each treatment session.

a. Acupuncture is “gentler” than surgery and conventional drugs, which

can have serious side effects.

2. The NIH further states that acupuncture is effective in treating a variety of

conditions, including those relating to chronic pain, such as migraines, arthritis,

and fibromyalgia.

C. Acupuncture is also painless.

a. I have been getting regular acupuncture treatments for the last 12 years. My

therapist uses only sterilized, individually packaged needles that are thrown

away at the end of each session.

b. There is a slight tingling sensation when the needles are inserted, but the

overall effect is very relaxing, like when you get a massage.

Transition: Let’s journey to a future time when you are receiving acupuncture treatment:

Visualization Step 4

I. Sometime in the future…….

A. Imagine that you feel a migraine coming on. Or perhaps you suffer from backaches,

allergies, insomnia, cramps, or the stress discomforts related to everyday life.

B. Your doctor has given you prescriptions for your pain and suffering, but the

medications you take bother your stomach, leave you groggy, and are almost as bad

as the pain itself!

C. Imagine being able to visit an acupuncture professional and experience almost

complete relief of pain without days or weeks of suffering! Think about being able to

feel better when you are sick–without costly visits to your doctor, without a trip to

the drug store– and without that long wait until your medication kicks in, perhaps

days later! And as there are no medicines to take, there is no danger of addiction or

other dangerous side effects.

D. You are now free to lead a healthier, happier, pain-free life!

Transition: You may be saying, I’m interested. What’s the next step?19

Action Step 5

I. Let’s take action now!

A. Go to the “Medical Acupuncture Online Journal” and find a certified acupuncture

professional in your area. Do this NOW so that you will know exactly who to call the next

time you are sick or in pain! It’s important to act now…don’t delay. Place your new

acupuncturist’s name and address in your phone contact list.

B. Even better, call his or her office and make a get-acquainted appointment! Then,

in the future, when you are sick or in pain, you will have a trusted professional

acupuncturist who can help you to feel better faster than you ever imagined!!!

Transition: Now that you have learned about acupuncture and the benefits it can offer

you, our investigation is complete.


I. As you are making your decision to try acupuncture, keep in mind that acupuncture is a

safe, proven, effective medical treatment that can address chronic pain and discomfort!

II. So, throw away those medicines that bother your stomach, make you sleepy, or cost a


Call to Action: The next time you aren’t feeling well, remember: Acupuncture

may be the way to go!

References Cited: List all sources cited in ace my homework – Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format



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