Module 2 Project –Designing Active Directory OU.
ACME Widgets is a multinational corporation with several divisions. ACME clients include U.S. and international manufacturers and some U.S. military contractors. ACME Widgets hired you as a consultant to design the Active Directory logical diagram.
ACME Corporate structure:
• ACME Navigation – the largest division, is involved in design and manufacture of electronic components used in navigation and guidance systems.
• ACME IC– this division’s mission is to design and manufacture custom IC (integrated circuits) and specialty chips as a subcontractor to OEMs.
• ACME Software – this division provided outsourcing software development services.
ACME logical framework
ACME Widgets corporate entity has been setup as a forest root domain. The name was registered as an external DNS name. All internal divisions have been setup as child domains of the Forest Root domain
Each ACME Widgets division has several departments. The departments are:
Domain Departments
ACME-Widgets Operations
ACME-Navigation Production (Testing, Manufacturing), Engineering (Navigation, Guidance), Sales (Government Sales, International Sales, OEM Sales), Operations (Accounting, Customer Service)
ACME-IC Production (Engineering, Manufacturing), Sales and Marketing, Operations (Accounting, Customer Service)
ACME-Software Software Development, Sales and Marketing, Operations (Accounting, Customer Service)
ACME Widgets Organizational Chart
Project Deliverables
Complete the following project objectives.
1. Using Visio create a logical domain design and the organization unit design based on the ACME Widgets organizational chart. Properly connect and label all domains and OUs. Save the Visio diagram as a JPG image. Insert that JPG image of the Visio diagram in the picture placeholder below.
2. In the table below, enter a DN (Distinguished Name) using LDAP protocol for each of the corresponding objects (OU, user or computer).
Domain Object DN (Distinguished Name) using LDAP naming convention
User “JStudent” located in “Sales” OU in “ACME-Software” child domain EXAMPLE
“Sales and Marketing” OU located in “ACME-IC” domain Click or tap here to enter text.
User “DJohnson” located in “Guidance” OU, which is located in “Engineering” OU in “ACME-Navigation” domain Click or tap here to enter text.
Computer “SVR1H2Z” located in built-in “Computers” container in “ACME-Widgets” domain Click or tap here to enter text.
Computer “Workstation123” located in “Operations” OU in “ACME-Software” domain Click or tap here to enter text.
References (required)
List at least 2 references to support your decisions and recommendations. Be sure to use APA formatted references.