Module 10: Guidelines for Writing Assignments
Create a three- to five-page report based on Chapter 7 of your textbook (pages 233-266), the Module 10 videos, and the Module 10 Power Point:
This writing assignment is broken into the following sections:
1. The Home Page
2. introduction – Create a one-paragraph introduction to this topic. What’s the difference between a “Female Gang” and a “Female Street Gang Auxiliary”? What details did Fredrick Thrasher discover about female gang members? What is Joan Moore’s background, and what has her research revealed?
3. Body of the Report – Title: Female Gang Members – Watch the “Gangsta Girls” videos after reading the Chapter and Power Point. Choose one of the females in the videos and describe her briefly.


Module 10: Writing Assignment Guidelines
Develop a three- to five-page report based on Chapter 7 of your textbook (pages 233-266), the Module 10 videos, and the Module 10 Power Point:
This writing assignment is divided into the sections listed below:
1. The Front Page
2. introduction – Ace my homework – Write a one-paragraph introductory paragraph for this topic. What’s the difference between a “Female Gang” and a “Female Street Gang Auxiliary”? What details did Fredrick Thrasher discover about female gang members? What is Joan Moore’s background, and what has her research revealed?
3. Body of the Report – Title: Female Gang Members – Watch the “Gangsta Girls” videos after reading the Chapter and Power Point. Choose one of the females in the videos and describe her briefly.

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Write Papers
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