Mobile Command Post
The response to emergency situations and maintaining public order is a crucial aspect in the United Arab Emirates. In large public events, the police are expected to set up mobile command posts for assessing potential threats and improving proper emergency responses in the society. The research study will propose potential actions and strategies that can be implemented to improve the command and control operations in public events. The proposed research project will seek to counter concerns of public disorder and security vulnerabilities in the United Arab Emirates (Al Hmoudi & Aziz, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). The research project is important as it aligns with current security risks concerns in the region. Without proper assessment of the security risks, it is difficult to maintain security requirements in the United Arab Emirates.
The establishment of the mobile command operations for police creates a create opportunity for improving the security and emergency evaluation programs. The key objective for Abu Dhabi police is to improve their intelligence capabilities through situation awareness over the entire country. Under this responsibility, it is necessary for them to have an effective common and control operation. For example, the installation of modern surveillance detection program is useful in maximizing the police command and control operations (Jennings, Arlikatti, Andrew, & Kim, 2017). Therefore, the research project will recommend and analyze the potential strategies that can be used in improving command and control operations.
An engagement with the Abu Dhabi Police department helped in understanding some of the issues associated with the setting up of the mobile command post in the United Arab Emirates. The meeting with the police department discussed the needs to research the critical vulnerabilities associated with the mobile police command post activities. The meeting also projected the need to develop comprehensive actions and strategies to improve the command and control operations in the UAE (Yang, Yang, & Plotnick, 2013). The Abu Dhabi Police and public officials argued that the efforts to improve the command and control operations were important in countering the security exposures in the region.
Description of the Problem
The research project will seek to address the problem of how the Abu Dhabi Police in the United Arab Emirates can improve the command and control operations in the field and at large events in the United Arab Emirates. Over the years, security has been a serious concern for most Middle East nations including UAE. Such security concerns called for the improvement of the mobile command post to check for potential security threats and terrorist threats (AlShamsi, & Pathirage, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service0. The research will review the current security policies and their efforts in improving the systems or the command and control operations. The management of large public events calls for the police to come up with comprehensive programs to ensure that potential terrorists and criminals do not get opportunity to interrupt the entire events.
The goal of the project is to develop a framework for developing and maintaining a mobile command post for the police agencies. The framework will provide guidelines on how to improve the security programs during public events in the Abu Dhabi. The research study will ensure background and historical perspectives are highlighted before projecting the best frameworks for the implementation of the mobile command post programs for the police. The research study will also review the past research studies relating to the police command and control operations for Abu Dhabi Police.
The research project will be beneficial to the Abu Dhabi Police and other law enforcement institutions to understand the appropriate ways of improving the command and control operations. Both empirical and evidence-based research findings will provide the information and solutions in making informed decisions about the improvement of the mobile command and control operations in the law enforcement agencies. Criminal justice researchers and legal experts can also benefit from the findings of the research study in understanding the significance of mobile command post in improving criminal justice.
Literature Review
The literature review will provide more information and past knowledge on the significance of command and control operations in emergency response and security responses. The management of emergencies in UAE requires the police to have comprehensive mobile command post. According to Curnin, Owen, Paton and Brooks (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service), the use of a traditional emergency center control approach could be effective in responding to the external pressures in times of emergency. The traditional model of emergency control involves proposing effective measures to counter the external pressures that could undermine effective police operations. Some of the external pressures include changing social, organizational, and economic environments. The changes to these external factors create a challenge for the police to limit potential security vulnerabilities. For example, decline in economic and organizational environments would make it difficult for the Abu Dhabi Police to improve its command and control operations (Curnin, et al., 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). It is because poor economic environment limits the access to adequate resources for maintaining the emergency control operations.
According to Al Hmoudi and Aziz (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service), the design of effective mobile command operations faces various challenges. The research study noted that the sharing of knowledge and objectives is one of the main challenges in the emergency management programs. The police should work with other stakeholders in sharing the critical information needed to reduce potential vulnerabilities. Security rules demands that the interventions of emergency management processes be documented well. When the rules for command operations cannot be implemented, it creates challenges in the implementation process. Al Hmoudi and Aziz (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service) noted that the sharing of information and documentation of measures is effective. Effective techniques and tools are effective in promoting the emergency control functions and operations.
Apart from the sharing of information, the conversion of the knowledge into actionable strategies is significant challenge. In most law enforcement agencies, there are lacks a strict hierarchical authority to improve the emergency control operations. The research findings by Jennings et al (2017) recommends that additional research should be conducted on the importance of collaborative decision making process in police environments across the boundaries of organizations. The literature by Jennings et al (2017) determined that the research project will clarify on the best solutions to implement in improving the mobile command operations.
In addition, Al Hmoudi and Aziz (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online) argued that conducting simulation and exercises was also effective for the emergency management process. The design and conduction of exercises helps in understanding potential challenges in actual command and control operations. The literature was appropriate in improving the command programs for Abu Dhabi Police department. Experiments and exercises are effective in countering the potential limitations between research work and practical experiences (Al Hmoudi, & Aziz, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). It also helps to integrate technical improvements and good programs into actual applications. Therefore, the researchers were emphatic on the significance of performing comprehensive simulations on the potential emergency management situations.
Description of the Project
The proposed research study will be conducted in nine weeks starting from week 1 of October to week 1 of December. The nine weeks provides for an adequate timeline for starting and completing the research project in an effective manner. The proposed research methodology is to use the survey design approach for the collection of information. The research study will administer survey questions through mail and open administration. The survey questions will be structured in an easy to allow for the understanding of the research problem.
The impact of the research project will be assessed by obtaining feedback from the Abu Dhabi police department on the significance of the findings. The feedback from the police department will help in showing the implications of the research work in improving the command and control operations (Alzaghal, & Momani, 2017). The review of the research findings against the expected research outcomes is also useful in improving the process the assessment of the objectives of the research project.
However, the research project will face institutional barriers and other barriers in the conduction of the actual research work. The barriers include the challenge of getting permission from the organization as well as getting more persons to respond to the survey questions and problems (Kapucu, & Hu, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Getting permission from the police department is also a serious challenge as the research work must prove to be conducted in a professional and scholarly way. Other challenges include the lack of adequate financial resources and organizational support.
Based on the figure below, the research proposal will rely on the various steps in the implementation of the research study. The steps of the proposed research project includes
I. Proposal Outline. This is the first step of the research proposal that involves the design of a research proposal outline. The proposal outline is effective in understanding how the research work will be completed.
II. Proposal submission. It involves the writing of the research proposal. The completed research proposal will be submitted after one week. In the second week, the research proposal will be submitted for evaluation.
III. Secondary Data Collection. At this stage, the researchers will conduct secondary sources that are useful in understanding the research problem. The secondary sources will provide literature on the research problem. It will be completed in four weeks.
IV. Survey Design. The survey questions will be administered directly to the participants or through mail. The surveys will be conducted for three weeks.
V. Data Collection. The data collection process will take 6 weeks to be completed.
VI. Mid-report. The report is developed to determine the progress of the research work. The mid-report will be developed for three weeks.
VII. Data Analysis. The data analysis helps to understand reviewing the data collected to come up with clear results. It will take three weeks to complete the data analysis.
VIII. PowerPoint Presentation. The data presentation will be prepared for 6 weeks and then presented.
Fig. 1:
Proposed Research Methodology and Timeline.
Tasks October November December
Week1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
1 Proposal Outline
2 Proposal submission
3 Secondary data collection
4 survey design
5 Data collection
6 Mid-report
7 Data analysis
8 Power Point presentation
Al Hmoudi, A., & Aziz, Z. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Developing a framework to enhance early warning response capabilities of disaster resilience in the UAE. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 150, 127-133. Retrieved from
Al Hmoudi, A., & Aziz, Z. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Towards an integrated early warning system and disaster management in the United Arab Emirates. Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment of Natural Disasters, 92, 71. Retrieved from Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment+of+Natural+Disasters,+92,+71.&source=bl&ots=OfkCaKCEN-&sig=A3nC_SqLsX6H03ZJBX7YdIsvx-U&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Towards%20an%20integrated%20early%20warning%20system%20and%20disaster%20management%20in%20the%20United%20Arab%20Emirates.%20 Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment%20of%20Natural%20Disasters%2C%2092%2C%2071.&f=false.
AlShamsi, H., & Pathirage, C. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, June). The role of effective contingency planning in managing extreme disasters in UAE. International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Retrieved from – Research Paper Writing Help Service_Camera_Ready_Paper%20no%206.pdf.
Alzaghal, M. H., & Momani, N. M. (2017). Emergency volunteering in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: current and future trends. International Journal of Emergency Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment, 13(2), 160-168. Retrieved from
Curnin, S., Owen, C., Paton, D., & Brooks, B. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). A theoretical framework for negotiating the path of emergency management multi-agency coordination. Applied Ergonomics, 47, 300-307. Retrieved from
Jennings, E. A., Arlikatti, S., Andrew, S. A., & Kim, K. (2017). Adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) by local emergency management agencies in the United States. International Review of Public Administration, 1-18. Retrieved from
Kapucu, N., & Hu, Q. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Understanding multiplexity of collaborative emergency management networks. The American Review of Public Administration, 46(4), 399-417. Retrieved from
Yang, L., Yang, S. H., & Plotnick, L. (2013). How the internet of things technology enhances emergency response operations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(9), 1854-1867. Retrieved from