The company that you need to choose for MNE evaluation is Coca-Cola

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For the Week 5 assignment, using the same company you used in Week 4, create a paper that answers the following questions (in the form of a cohesive report, not just a listing of the answers).  Make sure you answer all parts of each question for full credit.

What are the company’s strategic statements (vision, mission, objectives, goals, values, et cetera)?  Based on these statements, which strategic imperative appears to be most critical to the company (Luthans & Doh, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, pp. 295-299)?  Explain your reasoning. 
Using the CSA-FSA (country-specific advantages versus firm-specific advantages) matrix on page 309 (Luthans & Doh, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online), which quadrant does the company fit into in each of the three countries you chose to study?  Why?  Are there differences based on the country of operation? 
Of the six entry strategies (import and export, wholly owned subsidiary, mergers and acquisitions, alliances and joint ventures, licensing agreements, and franchising) discussed in Chapter 9 (Luthans & Doh, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, pp. 330-336), which is used most in the company you are studying?  What is your evidence? 
Which organizational structure (Luthans & Doh, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online, pp. 338-348)does the company display: initial division structure, international division structure, global product division, global area division, global functional division, mixed organizational structure, transnational network structure, or a non-traditional arrangement?  How does this structure support the company in achieving its strategic imperatives? 

Each week’s assignment should be between 500 and 1000 words (approximately 3 to 6 pages) words long for the body of the material, which excludes title page, table of contents, exhibits or tables, and references.  I need help writing my essay – research paper address all the required content for the specific assignment, including proper formatting, Title Page, Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion, References, Exhibits (if appropriate), and citations.  I need help writing my essay – research paper note that you will not be able to find all the information you need for this assignment in the textbook.  Additional research is required, expected, and part of your grade.  Submitting more than 1000 words is acceptable if required to fully answer the questions in the assignment.  My experience is that the questions cannot be completely answered in less than 500 words.

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