Assignment 2 – Part 1
Short Essays
Softcopy Submission (via Turnitin on iLearn) Deadline: 11am Tue 16 October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online (Week 10);
Hardcopy Submission (to your tutor in tutorial): Tue 16 October or Wed 17 October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online (Week 10)
This assignment focuses on the discussion on the methods of mortality standardisation and population projection. It is designed to assist students’ learning in relation to accessing and understanding demographic literature in these areas.
To complete this assignment, students should read the prescribed readings (e.g. papers/reports) and write two short essays addressing the specified questions. Note that this assignment is to be completed as an individual piece of work. Thus, students must carry out this assignment independently. Penalties for cheating or plagiarism can be severe (e.g. zero mark for the most severe cases).
Read the following prescribed readings (available in the Assessment folder on iLearn):
 AIHW (2011) Principles on the use of direct age-standardisation in administrative data collections, Canberra: Australian Government.
 Julious, Steven, Jon Nicholl and Steve George (2001) “Why do we continue to use standardized mortality ratios”, Journal of Public Health Medicine, vol. 23, no. 1, pp 40-46.
 Wilson, Tom (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers) “New state and regional population projections for New South Wales,” People and Place, vol. 16, no. 4.
 Kaneda, Toshiko and Jason Bremner (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) Understanding Population Projections: Assumptions Behind the Numbers, Population Reference Bureau.
Additional reading (if necessary) that may be useful:
 Rowland, Donald (2003) “Chapter 12: Population Projections and Estimates” Demographic Methods and Concept, Oxford University Press.
– The hardcopy of your assignment must be submitted to your tutor at your tutorial time. It should have a cover sheet which could be downloaded from the iLearn.
– The softcopy of your assignment must be uploaded to Turnitin (via iLearn) by the deadline specified above.
– Please note once you have submitted your softcopy to Turnitin, you are not permitted to make any changes to your hardcopy. The softcopy and the hardcopy should be identical.
Reference: You are encouraged to cite information to support your arguments from sources other than the above prescribed readings. For any information cited from academic and recognized sources (including the prescribed readings), you must correctly reference them both in-text and at the end of the essay by including a full list of references (e.g. using Harvard Referencing style or American Psychological Association (APA) style).
Essay 1. Mortality and Standardisation [25 Marks]
After reading “Principles on the use of direct age-standardisation in administrative data collections” and “Why do we continue to use standardized mortality ratios”, write an essay answering the following questions: (i.e. the length of your answer is expected to be 700-800 words).
What are the main differences between the direct and indirect standardisation methods? Which method is preferred in the readings and why?
Essay 2. Population Projection [25 Marks]
After reading “New state and regional population projections for New South Wales” and “Understanding Population Projections: Assumptions Behind the Numbers”, write an essay addressing the following questions (i.e. the length of your answer is expected to be 700-800 words):
Discuss how assumptions of fertility, mortality and migration are used in population projections and compare and contrast the main characteristics of the results of population projections for NSW in 2036 between different regions.
Assessment Criteria
The Assignment 2 Part 1 is worth 10% of the total marks for the unit. Raw marks for each question are given in square brackets. Each question will be marked on the following criteria: Content relevance, extensiveness of reading and analysis, clarity, structure, and referencing. Avoidance of plagiarism and adherence to submission deadline are also considered.
Content Relevance and Clarity/Structure/References (total 25 marks)
Essay 1 and 2 0-12 marks 13-17 marks 18-22 marks 23-25 marks
Relevance and analysis
The answer is not relevant or vaguely relevant. A confusing, somewhat contradictory answer and analysis are presented.
The answer is somewhat relevant but presented with some problems. It consists of some acceptable analysis, but not all are relevant answers.
The answer is relevant. It consists of reasonable analysis, and arguments and analysis are supported by some relevant information from the readings and/or other sources.
The answer is highly relevant. It consists of extensive analysis, and arguments and analysis are well supported by the relevant materials from the readings and additional sources.
Clarity, structure and reference
The answer contains substantial amount of unclear expressions; high similarity index; no in-text citations and/or reference list.
The answer has some unclear expressions; moderate to high similarity index; some in-text citations but with some problems.
The answer written in clear language; relatively low similarity index; reasonable in-text citations and reference list.
The answer is written in very clear and concise language. Very low similarity index; very good in-text citations and reference list.

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