MKT600 Marketing
Assessment Assessment 2: Proposal Marketing Plan
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to 2500 words
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
a) Identify and evaluate key theories and principles of practical marketing strategies
b) Critically evaluate client needs with regard to the creation of value for the organisation
c) Critically evaluate the impact of the application of the marketing mix to the target market
Submission Due 23:59 (AEST/AEDT) Friday end of Module 5 (Week 10)
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 40 marks
• To enhance a clear understanding of the importance of marketing in modern business and to and provide a grasp of effective contemporary marketing practices;
• To provide a theoretical overview of marketing theory and practical application of innovative marketing strategies;
• To critically analyse all relevant factors affecting the exchange process;
• To establish an insightful marketing strategy.
How the assessment fits into the subject/course:
Marketing in the 21st Century has drastically evolved and is a critical component of business administration. The design of marketing plans is integral to business organisation and the assessment for this subject aims to provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge of developing effective marketing strategies. This assessment requires the students to analyse market trends before developing a marketing strategy. There is a short scenario for students to address the assessment tasks.
Linkages between Assessments 1 and 2:
Assessment 1 requires students to create a case study and review marketing plans. Specifically, assessment 1 requires students to establish the context through analysing market trends. Assessment 2 requires students to devise a marketing plan of products or services offered by their own organisation and to consider how the marketing plan will add value to their organisation.
This assessment task builds on the Marketing Environmental Analysis you performed in Assessment 1. This assessment task requires you to devise a Marketing Strategy Report to:
• Demonstrate your learning about marketing concepts and principles covered so far and allow you to demonstrate your level of understanding of them.
• Analyse the link between marketing practice and marketing theory
• Demonstrate research skills to reveal the insights
• Apply appropriate business report writing skills
• Use the appropriate citation of references and a reference list in your written work. It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.
Please see more information on referencing here:
• Practice aligning strategies to your market analysis
Donald B is a chocolate product maker and owns two stores in Melbourne. He wants to grow his brand nationally and internationally and compete with larger rivals producing cocoa product, confectionery, crystallised or glazed fruit, drinking chocolate, liquorice, marshmallow, candied nut, candied popcorn, etc. He has also considered selling through Coles and Woolworths, Aldi options or creating high-end specialty stores.
This part of the assessment is a follow-up to the Marketing Environmental Analysis you provided for Donald’s business in assessment 1. Therefore, you need to revisit assessment 1 and the feedback from your facilitator. Then, devise a marketing strategy report for this assessment to:
1. Create a marketing strategy – The aspects of marketing strategy that you should include are:
a. Your recommended target market (including market segmentation).
b. How the new business should be positioned – give an overview of positioning theory (and other relevant theories) and then explain one or more positioning approaches that you think this business should follow. Draw a positioning map
to start this task.
2. Outline the following marketing mix variables:
a. Ideas for the products and services that could be offered and how they can be offered.
b. Explain the different levels of product and how you think Donald should apply them.
c. Pricing – Write a page paper – Describe the pricing strategy that you recommend and justify your choice.
d. Distribution – Outline the distribution strategies you would recommend. For example, where would you locate outlets? Would you own retail outlets or offer franchise options?
e. Promotion – Outline the promotion strategies you would recommend ( most relevant advertising strategies)
f. Extended marketing mix – Outline the other 3 marketing mix elements (if found relevant)
Submission Instructions:
Submit your assessment via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MKT600 by the end of Module 5.
Learning Rubric: Assessment 2
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Evaluation of information selected to support the marketing
10% Limited understanding of key concepts required to
support discussion
Confuses logic and emotion. Information taken from reliable sources but without a coherent analysis or synthesis.
Viewpoints of experts are taken as fact with little questioning.
Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
Analysis and evaluation do not reflect expert judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and adaptability.
Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
Information is taken from 15+ sources with a demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
Identify logical flaws.
Questions viewpoints of experts.
Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Information is taken from 20+ sources with a welldemonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
Viewpoint of experts are subject to questioning.
Analysis and evaluation reflect growing judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and adaptability.
Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Information is taken from 30+ sources with a high level of
interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis or synthesis.
Identifies gaps in knowledge.
Exhibits intellectual independence, rigor, good
judgement and adaptability.
Logical and Compelling
Report Structure
Report structure/format was not consistent with Industry
Report structure/format was professional and original and was adequately consistent with Industry
Report structure/format was professional, original and consistent with Industry
Report structure/format was very professional, original and consistent with Industry
Report structure/format was highly professional, original and consistent with Industry practices/standards.
Marketing Strategy Report components were not adequately identified.
The report was poorly organised.
Developed ideas/recommendations with poor examples, data, and/or experiences.
Poorly constructed Reference List and/or not meeting the APA guidelines for referencing.
Some Marketing Strategy Report components were identified.
The report was sufficiently well organised.
Developed ideas/recommendations with adequate examples, data, and/or experiences.
Reference List provided and a variety of sources accessed in research meeting APA guidelines for referencing.
Marketing Strategy Report components were adequately identified.
The report was well organised from beginning to end.
Developed specific ideas/recommendations with good supporting examples, data, and/or experiences.
A correctly constructed Reference List provided and a variety of sources accessed in research meeting APA guidelines for referencing.
All Marketing Strategy Report components were correctly identified.
The report was very well organised and orderly from beginning to end.
Developed specific ideas/recommendations in depth with appropriate supporting examples, data, and/or experiences.
A correctly constructed Reference List provided and in-report citations of sources provided and a variety of sources accessed in research meeting APA guidelines for referencing.
All Marketing Strategy Report components were clearly and correctly identified.
The report was expertly organised and orderly from beginning to end.
Developed specific ideas/recommendations in depth with strong and appropriate supporting examples, data, and /or experiences.
A well-constructed
Reference List provided and in-report Citations of sources provided and a wide variety of sources accessed in research meeting APA guidelines for referencing.
Critically evaluates client needs with regards to the positioning of the business and the Superficially evaluates and justifies the selection of target market demonstrating no understanding of the Fairly evaluates and justifies the selection of
target market demonstrating a satisfactory understanding of the Adequately evaluates and justifies the selection of target market demonstrating a good understanding of the theories from the Thoroughly evaluates and justifies the selection of target market demonstrating a very good understanding of the Critically evaluates and justifies the selection of target market demonstrating excellent
understanding of the
Target market
theories from the subject.
Description of market segments not provided.
No efforts to substantiate the target market.
Value proposition is vague.
Little or no justification of the positioning strategy reflecting little or no link to the entire analysis.
The strategy for competitive advantage doesn’t make sense.
theories from the subject.
Description of at least one market segments provided.
Very little efforts to substantiate the target market.
A satisfactory value proposition provided.
A satisfactory justification of the positioning strategy reflecting the links to the entire analysis.
The strategy for competitive advantage is satisfactory.
Description of at least two market segments provided.
Some efforts to substantiate the target market.
A good value proposition
differentiating the business from the competitors.
A good justification of the positioning strategy reflecting the links to the entire analysis.
The strategy for competitive advantage is sensible.
theories from the subject.
Description of at least three market segments provided.
Target market has been substantiate.
A well-stated value proposition differentiating the business from the competitors.
A very good justification of the positioning strategy reflecting the links to the entire analysis.
The strategy for competitive advantage is sensible.
theories from the subject.
Description of three or more market segments provided.
Target market has been substantiated comprehensively.
A sophisticated value proposition differentiating the business from the competitors.
justification of the positioning strategy reflecting the links to the entire analysis.
The strategy for competitive advantage is sensible and well argued.
Critically evaluates the impact of the application of Limited synthesis and analysis.
Strategy ideas Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of new
with existing knowledge in Well-developed analysis and synthesis of new with existing knowledge in evaluating the application Thoroughly developed and creative analysis of new with existing knowledge and synthesis in Highly sophisticated and creative analysis of new with existing knowledge in evaluating the
marketing mix (the P’s of marketing) to
the target market
30% presented fail to have a foundation in the market analysis.
Marketing mix variables have not been outlined clearly. evaluating the application of marketing mix to the target market.
Presents strategy ideas that have a foundation in the market analysis.
Marketing mix variables have been outlined. However, they do not reflect the link to the core strategies. of marketing mix to the target market.
Presents interesting strategy ideas that have a good foundation in the market analysis.
Marketing mix variables have been outlined. However, they reflect unclear connection to the core strategies. evaluating the application of marketing mix to the target market.
Presents and succinctly discusses sensible & interesting strategy ideas that have a very good foundation in the market analysis.
Marketing mix variables reflect core marketing strategies to form one intact strategy.
application of marketing mix to the target market.
Presents and succinctly discusses concise, sensible & interesting strategy ideas that have a solid foundation in the market analysis.
Marketing mix variables reflect core marketing strategies to form one intact strategy.
Formulates effective and innovative recommendations that are justifiable
20 % Demonstrates limited awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment and/or the specific client’s need.
Fails to provide recommendations that are reasonable and/or applicable to the organisation. Demonstrates adequate awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment and/or the specific client’s need.
Provides standard, straightforward or obvious recommendations only. Demonstrates consistent awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment and/or the specific client’s need.
Provides good recommendations that
reflect skilful analysis and some original thinking. Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context and/or purpose of the assignment and/or the specific client’s need.
Provides advanced recommendations
that reflect well developed analysis and original thinking. Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of context and purpose of the assignment and/or the specific client’s need.
Provides expert recommendations that reflect sophisticated analysis, original thinking and creativity.
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