Subject Title Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
Subject Code MKT201A
Assessment Title Project Plan & Pitch (G)
Graduate Capabilities
b) Link the aims of integrated marketing communications with basic marketing principles to analyse given communication problems
c) Recommend appropriate IMC tools for various communication environments
d) Design an IMC campaign using a range of strategies to achieve identified outcomes within a given communication environment
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) b, c and d
Assessment type (group or individual) Group
Weighting % 35%
Word count 1000 words +/- 10% excluding cover, references, and pitch element
Due day Sunday by 11.55pm week 11
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Homework help – Summary
Communication Strategy & Elements
Reference List
Peer Review (group project)
Assessment instructions Using one of the case studies from Assessments 1 & 2, students are required to collaborate as a team to develop an integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan and campaign for a chosen case study (so-called a client). Students are to research and create an Integrated Marketing Communications Project Plan drawing upon and applying the theories, methods and concepts from the unit.
There are 2 parts to Assessment 3.
Students will submit a brief report (approximately 1,000 words) with following contents:
(a) Develop a new product or product range for the client
• In terms of a new product planned, identify why this new product is attractive and potential to be successful in the market, who is the main customer for this product.
• Present the product in terms of visual images of packaging, product name, size and estimated price.
(b) Develop an IMC plan and campaign for this new product
• Students are required to present a communication campaign in store (animation and window posters) and online (digital)
• Resources analysis (budget, staff, etc.)
• The campaign may focus on both domestic and international markets
(c) The project plans need to include the elements outlined below.
• 1000 words +/- 10%
• 6 resources at least 3 from academic sources
• Long report format containing the following sections:
This is a one to two paragraph summary of key conclusions. It is overview of the entire IMC plan.
This section establishes what is being promoted, the geographical parameters of the campaign, when the campaign will run, the length of the campaign, the reasons for the campaign and who is responsible.
All objectives need to be written as SMART statement so they can be measured.
Budget can be calculated after media planning. This section identifies the budgeting approach used and then allocates the budget across types of media chosen, and production costs associated with each media to be used.
To whom are you communicating?
• Segmenting—choose up to two based on your customer analysis
• Target audience—create a detailed target audience/market profile using more refined segmentation variables and include their media habits.
• Positioning and positioning statement for the brand/product— outline the value proposition and write a positioning statement that identifies which attributes/benefits etc of the product/brand are most important to the target audience and that are unique compared to competitors.
This section outlines the broad communication strategy.
• What is the message being communicated?
• Who is to be the source of the message?
• Which media channels are to be used?
• Who is the receiver of the message (decision roles)?
• What feedback or response do you want to achieve from the target audience?
Based on the objectives and the message to be communicated, translate those into customer-facing words, images or visual tools.
The creative strategy includes the type of appeal and advertising execution to be used. For example: Styles include slice-of-life, fantasy, straight sell, personality essay writing symbol etc. The final piece to this section is to develop draft advertisements for all media to be used in the strategy. Example: TV storyboard, radio scripts, press releases, Facebook ad etc.
You need to consider your target audience, the media they are exposed to or to which they best respond. Then decide the following:
• What coverage is required across the geographical parameters of the campaign?
• What are the reach and frequency objectives?
• Will the media choices achieve the coverage required to achieve the objectives with the target audience?
Based on the media objectives:
• Design a media mix that includes primary and supporting media
• Choose specific media vehicles within your media mix.
• Allocate the budget across your media plan including production costs
• Schedule content and advertising across all media to be used for the duration of the campaign
In this section, you will discuss how you intend to evaluate your IMC campaign (can be in table format). In other words, you will:
• Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the specific evaluation methods/techniques you would recommend be used to evaluate your IMC campaign and why.
• Online assignment help tutors – Discuss what is to be tested, when the testing will occur and who is responsible for testing it.
• Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the costs associated with the evaluation phase of your IMC campaign.
The conclusion should re-state the purpose of the IMC plan and highlight the key main points.
Based on the campaign designed, students are to pitch their communication campaign to the client.
• Pitches should aim to convince the client to adopt the proposed campaign.
• Students have several choices to present their work: video clips, PPLs, posters, online design (website) for their communication campaign.
A peer review evaluation must also be submitted.
Readings for the assessment To assist you with writing this report, use the materials found on your
• Moodle page (lecture slides, recommended and additional readings or other documents). • Class content.
• Useful links posted on Moodle.
Complete the Module activities which are designed to support the critical tasks of this Assessment.
Grading Criteria / Rubric See below
Assessment 3 –Project Plan (IMC) and Pitch – Marking Rubric
Criteria High Distinction
(85-100) Distinction
(75-84) Credit (65-74) Pass (50-64) Fail
Homework help – Summary,
10% Summarised report succinctly, provided relevant background content in the introduction. Highlighted the most important factors and used a professional tone. Summarised report succinctly, provided mostly relevant background content in the introduction. Highlighted the important factors but may have left 1 factor out or needed to elaborate slightly more and used a professional tone. Content clearly presented, contained some flaws or omissions. Professional tone. Lacked clarity. At times contained irrelevant information. Poorly written, lacked structure. Not included or inadequate
Strategy, SMART
15% SWOT analysis and situational analysis drives the strategy. This section is logical and identifies an appropriate communication strategy. Proposed objectives are clear, easy to understand and measurable and written as SMART objectives. Overall the communication strategy and objectives were mostly coherent, consistent with and driven by the SWOT and situational analyses. Occasionally sound reasoning was lacking. And/or 1 of the objectives was not measurable or written as SMART objectives. The strategy was only somewhat driven by the situational and SWOT analyses. Lacked clarity at times OR lacked justification OR rationale for strategy choices. OR 2 of the objectives are not measurable or written as SMART objectives. Moderate gaps in understanding apparent. The strategy lacked clarity or strong rationale or justification. The strategy was loosely driven by the SWOT and situational analyses. OR more than 2 objectives were not measurable or written as SMART objectives. Large gaps in understanding apparent.
The strategy lacked clarity. Little or no rationale or justification was provided for the strategy. The strategy was loosely driven by the SWOT and situational analyses. And most o the objectives were not measurable or written as SMART objectives.
Target Audience, Segmentation and Positioning (Value
15% Identified one (or two) segments to target.
Online assignment help tutors – Discussed segment attractiveness factors and provided substantial justification. Clearly understands why the target Identified one (or two) segments to target and provided reasonable justifications.
Online assignment help tutors – Discussed segment attractiveness factors and provided reasonable Identified one (or two) segments to target and provided average justifications.
Did not discuss segment all attractiveness factors or did not provided reasonable Not logical or not supported by the situational analysis.
Provided minimal justification. Further information required in Unclear identification of one (or two) segments to target. Demonstrated a lack of understanding.
Did not provide justification for target
market was chosen. Value propositions reflect the target market. justification. Mostly understands why the target market is chosen. Value propositions mostly reflect the target market. justification or justifications were not substantial in nature. Somewhat understands why the target market is chosen. Value propositions somewhat reflect the target market. relation to the target market. Lacks depth
Value proposition was weak and barely reflected the target audience. audience/segmentation attractiveness factors.
Value proposition is missing or does not reflect target audience.
Creative Strategy
& Media Planning
20% The creative strategy and media planning are thorough.
Theories, concepts and methods are accurately
applied and used to justify
rationale throughout. Shows a depth of knowledge. The creative strategy and media planning are mostly thorough.
Theories, concepts and methods are accurately
applied and used to justify
rationale in most instances.
Shows a depth of knowledge in all but 1 area. The analysis is present and is averagely coherent.
Theories, concepts and methods are accurately
applied and used to justify rationale, but further
elaboration was needed in 2 areas. Shows a depth of knowledge in all but 2 area. The analysis is present, but hard to follow at times.
Theories, concepts and methods are sometimes
inaccurately applied when
used to justify rationale. Or greater depth is needed in
the analysis and application of unit content. Analysis is confused or missing. More than one question not addressed or answers lack depth or show superficial understanding.
Theories, concepts and methods are inaccurately applied when used to
justify rationale. Or greater depth is needed in the
analysis and application of unit content.
Budget &
10% Budget and Campaign
Evaluation sections fully developed. Depth of understanding and application exhibited. Substantial rationale and justifications utilised.
Realistic budget allocations. Budget and Campaign
Evaluation sections near fully developed. Depth of understanding and application exhibited in most areas. Reasonable rationale and justifications utilised. Mostly realistic budget allocations. Budget and Campaign Evaluation sections present but further development needed in 1 or 2 areas. Depth of understanding and application generally exhibited. Moderately reasonable rationale and justifications utilised. Mostly realistic budget allocations. Budget and Campaign Evaluation sections present or 1 section not present. Further development needed in 3 or 4 areas. Lacks some depth of understanding. Minimally reasonable rationale and justifications utilised. Some realistic budget allocations. Budget or Campaign Evaluation sections missing or incoherent. And/Or
Lack depth of understanding in both areas.
5% Fully developed conclusion summarising the proposed IMC campaign. Well-developed conclusion summarising most of the proposed IMC campaign. Conclusion present but needs to be more fully developed in some areas or doesn’t fully summarise the proposed IMC campaign Minimally recognisable conclusion but needs to be more fully developed. No recognisable conclusion
Pitch A clear, evidence-supported communications campaign A mostly clear, evidencesupported communications A somewhat clear, evidencesupported communications A minimally, evidencesupported communications The communications campaign pitch laced
was communicated. Theories, concepts and methods are accurately applied and used to justify strategic decisions and to persuade the audience. campaign was communicated. Theories, concepts and methods are accurately applied and used to justify strategic decisions and to persuade the audience
. campaign was communicated. Theories, concepts and methods are accurately applied and used to justify strategic decisions and to persuade the audience campaign was communicated.
Justification and rationale for campaign choices were minimal and the pitch was minimally persuasive.
justification and rationale for campaign choices and/or the pitch was not persuasive.
Presentation, Referencing and structure
10% Professional presentation and effective communication of analysis and evaluation, fully supported with evidence. Outstanding report structure and communication of ideas enhances readability. Free of errors and logical flow, appropriate sections.
At least 6 resources from reliable sources, with at least 3 being from academic sources… e.g. journals, company websites, trustworthy articles. Well-structured presentation and communication of analysis and evaluation, supported with evidence that closely correspond to the elements of the report. Very good report structure, free of errors and has a logical flow, appropriate sections.
5 resources from reliable sources, e.g. journals, company websites, trustworthy articles.
1 source not reliable. Appropriate presentation and communication of analysis and evaluation, supported with some evidence. Good report structure, free of errors and has a logical flow, appropriate sections.
4 resources from reliable sources, e.g. journals, company websites, trustworthy articles.
2 sources not reliable. Presentation that shows some evidence of report structure, but errors may detract from communication of the analysis and evaluation. There are some evidence used but they may not correspond to the elements and sometimes detract from readability. Basic report structure, some errors and hard to follow, some sections are missing.
3 resources from reliable sources, e.g. journals, company websites, trustworthy articles.
2 sources not reliable. Lacks evidence of a structured presentation with limited analysis and evaluations. The few pieces of evidence used do not correspond to the key elements. Missing appropriate report structure, contains errors and hard to follow, appropriate sections are missing.
2 resources, OR less than 3 from academic reliable sources e.g. journals, company websites, trustworthy articles.
4 or more not from reliable sources.
Access Control Methods
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