Have you heard of the so-called “5-second rule” for when food falls to the floor? (NOT true, by the way) Have you seen the signs in restrooms indicating that all employees must wash their hands before returning to work? Bacteria are everywhere, and the concept of cleanliness should apply to anyone who comes in contact with foreign materials, fecal matter or urine, or any potentially contaminated materials.

For your initial post, discuss which two rooms in your home or workplace that you believe are the most contaminated. Explain why you chose these two rooms and list at least two bacteria that are the common types found in those rooms.


Have you ever heard of the “5-second rule” for when food falls to the floor? (NOT TRUE) Have you seen the signs in restrooms requiring all employees to wash their hands before returning to work? Bacteria can be found everywhere, and the concept of cleanliness should apply to anyone who comes into contact with foreign materials, fecal matter or urine, or any potentially contaminated materials.

Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss which two rooms in your home or workplace you believe are the most contaminated in your first post. Explain why you chose these two rooms and list at least two common types of bacteria found in those rooms.

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