MGTS2609: Bullying in the Workplace Seems to Be Increasingly Common OR HR Professionals Play A Crucial Role In Ensuring Work / Life Balance For Employees.-
Assignnment Task
HR Professionals Play A Crucial Role In Ensuring Work / Life Balance For Employees.
Human resource (HR) professionals play a critical role in promoting work-life balance for employees. Some specific ways that HR professionals can support work-life balance include:
Developing policies and practices that support work-life balance: This can include offering flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or part-time work, as well as providing paid time off for vacation, sick leave, and other personal needs.
Communicating and enforcing policies: HR professionals can help to ensure that employees are aware of and understand the work-life balance policies that are in place, and can also help to enforce these policies to ensure that they are followed.
Providing resources and support: HR professionals can offer resources and support to help employees manage their work and personal responsibilities, such as providing information about child care options or offering resources for stress management.
Encouraging a positive company culture: HR professionals can work to create a company culture that values and supports work-life balance, and can encourage leadership to model work-life balance behaviors.
Facilitating communication and collaboration: HR professionals can help to facilitate communication and collaboration between employees and management to address any issues or challenges related to work-life balance.
HR professionals play a key role in promoting work-life balance by developing and enforcing policies, providing resources and support, and creating a positive company culture that values and supports this balance.
Task Description:

For this assessment item, you will work individually on your chosen essay topic.

An essay is an academic document and must meet the requirements of academic rigour, that is: clear writing, comprehensive research, strong analysis and relevant referencing (AMJ style) and be approximately (1,500 – 2000 words).

Students must choose ONE of the following essay questions:

1. Bullying in the workplace seems to be increasingly common. What are the ethical issues involved in bullying in the workplace? Design an evidence-based strategy for HR professionals that can help prevent the appointment of individuals likely to bully other staff?

2. HR professionals play a crucial role in ensuring work / life balance for employees. What are the major issues that relate to work / life balance in the workplace? Design an evidence-based strategy for HR professionals that can help them address work / life balance for their organisation.

In your essay you should:

1. Identify relevant HR issues

2. Apply relevant HR theories and concepts

3. Identify evidence from the HR literature

4. Design an appropriate strategy to address the main HR issues

5. Identify long term outcomes of your proposals

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Essays Scribe
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