Deliverable Length: 500-750 words plus a chart/time line (1 document) The forecasting department, traditionally reporting to the sale manager, has historically seena forecast accuracy of about 60%, and this in turn causes problems for the followingdepartments: Purchasing: What should we buy and how much? Production: What should we really build? Inventory management: We keep building the wrong thing. The sales manager asked you to write her a memo, specifically addressing the following: How could you suggest that your new system would achieve any better levels of forecastaccuracy? Why is forecast accuracy itself not as important under traditional methods? Create a chart or timeline that includes all of the following:o Which purchase orders have to be placed, and wheno When manufacturing needs to begin, to have products delivered to a customero Approximate dates for all of the following: When the product must be shipped to meet the customer’s due date When the application of the cover and packaging must take place to meetthe customer’s due date When the manufacturing of the widget must begin and end When the raw material for the widget must be ordered When the plastic cover must be ordered When the cardboard box must be ordered o Includes – Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – notes explain your timing calculationo Assumes all of the following conditions: The factory has two departments: manufacturing and packaging Product X consists of 3 components a widget manufactured in the factory with a total manufacturing lead timeof 1 week a plastic cover purchased from vendor A with a procurement lead time of 3weeks a cardboard shipping box purchased from vendor B with a procurementlead time of 4 weeks The widget itself is made from steel (whose lead time from vendor C is 4weeks). It takes 1 day for the cover to be applied to the product and for the productto be inserted in the box in the packaging department. The shipping time to this customer is in 3 weeks, and you do not want it tobe late or early. Assume you received the customer order on 1/1/20XX. Ignore any holidays Assume a 5-day work week The customer requires the product to arrive at his location on 3/31/2011
Strategic Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
Using the online library and the internet, research and explore organizational strategy. Explore the websites for the following companies: Coca-Cola, Facebook, Green Mountain Roasters, Boeing. Using what you learned from your readings and research draw some conclusions and apply it to the following questions. What is the difference between an intended strategy […]