Mental Health and Well-being
What comes to mind when you hear the term mental health? Most people associate mental health with the mere absence of illness and mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and other psychological issues. However, mental health is the state of complete emotional, physical, and psychological wellbeing. Being mentally healthy is reflected in how a person thinks, acts, make choices, how they relate with other people, and how well they cope with normal stress in life.
Factors Influencing Mental Health
Mental health is an integral part of health and is crucial in every stage of life, from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood. Different social, psychological and biological factors contribute to the mental health wellbeing of an individual. Past life experiences such as trauma, violence, and abuse pose a risk to mental health. A perfect example is seen in victims of sexual violence.
Social factors such as stressful work conditions, rapid social changes, gender discrimination, social exclusion, and social rights violations are also associated with poor mental health. Physical health and other forms of illnesses also contribute to the mental wellbeing of an individual.
Biological factors and genetic variations also impact on mental health and well being. Research has shown that an individual with a family history of mental problems is more likely to suffer from similar issues in the future. Specific psychological and personality factors such as the ability to handle stress and social skills also make some people more vulnerable to mental health problems.
Early Signs of Mental Health problems
Experiencing some of these feelings or noticing any of these behaviours in a loved one may indicate early signs of mental problems. Avoiding people and losing interest in activities that you used to enjoy, feeling unmotivated and hopeless, engaging in drugs, feeling moody, angry and increased arguments between family and friends, thoughts of self-harm, sleeping problems, just to name a few.
Ways to improve your mental well being
Maintaining positive mental health allows you to realize your abilities, cope with stressful situations in life, work productively and make positive contributions to the community. Ways to achieve positive mental health includes socializing and connecting with other people, becoming physically active in activities that you enjoy, getting involved in helping other people, getting enough rest and sleep, continually learning new skills, trying to remain positive at all times, and most importantly, seeking help whenever you need it.
Mental Health Treatment
Mental health problems are common. Luckily, most of them are preventable and manageable. Treatment may involve psychotherapy (talk therapy) or medications such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, and antipsychotic drugs. After a proper diagnosis, your doctor will help you identify the most appropriate treatment plan for you or your loved one.
NUR 445L Acute chronic Health disruption in adult III
Reflection on Nursing Knowledge and Practice: Understanding the Integration of General Education in Clinical Settings. Nursing is a field that requires a solid foundation of knowledge acquired through general education courses as well as clinical experience. The integration of knowledge from subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and nutrition is critical for effective nursing practice. […]