Focus on the United States in particular. Try to narrow it down and use specific examples.. You can include themes such as racism (e.g. first black president from non-elite background) and general facts. You can also state your opinion but don’t have to.
Focus on the Media aspect as well.
9 Dec 2021 17:31
You must use some of the readings provided in the attached files reading list as citations! You can find the readings online or under sci hub. You are also free to use other sources e.g. articles, books etc. Don’t use Wikipedia.
Answer the following question in 1500 words:
Donald Trump was a logical consequence of long term political developments that included the Bushes and the Clintons in power and widespread reactions to them and the general logical culmination of prolonged trends in politics and society. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the ideas. Focus on theoretical debates on populism
Media and Global Politics
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Media and Global Politics
Over the year, the American social and political system has developed, including links, such as public laws and comparative politics. The American political development has raised questions concerning economic policies, democratization, and how race has moulded American politics (Wiarda, and Kline, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Donald Trump presidency is a logical consequence of the long term political development, especially based on popularism theory developed since Gorge Bush and Hill Clinton’s administration. The paper discusses American political development and how Donald trump presidency has logical consequences and cumulation of long term political development and trends based on populism theory.
Populism is a major factors that has affected the development of the American political system over the years. Populism has succeeded and failed in the past, where some leaders have missed the opportunity, and others used the opportunity to change public sentiments. Populism is not a recent phenomenon but something traced since Bill Clinton and George Bush administration. Populism has, however, had a very strong impact on American politics, especially during Donald Trump presidency(Rovira Kaltwasser, 2021). Over the years, Populism has been used to explain several concepts, including the black lives matter movement (Waltonet el.,2020).
Donald Trump election and administration coincided with several changes in American politics, such as democratic ideals, demographic trends, and the nature of the institutional structures. Most of the time, populism has been defined wrongly and used using wrong information that lacks clarity about American politics. Populism has been used to explain many things, such as the concept of the ordinary versus the elites, centralization of authority, the concepts of anti-intellectuals, and the use of populism to defend the nation from conspiracy threats (Rovira Kaltwasser, 2021). Populism tends to ionize ordinary people, such as black people. For instance, the elite tends to take rights and properties that belong to ordinary people. Most of the time, populists are viewed as wealthy unjustly. However, wealth is said to be obtained from the hard work of ordinary people. Populism, however, represents the unfair economic structure and arrangement in society.
During Bill Clinton in 1992, the administartion was characterised by a of split partisan control of the American national government but with president democratic and congress republic, which was different during the George Bush era (Rovira Kaltwasser, 2021). During Bush perios there was split partisan control during through the president republican and congress democracy. Donald Trump presidency, however, tend to fit and act as a consequence of the continuing American political structure and development.
George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan are some American leaders that represent the American populist tradition. According to history, the populism movement has failed in the past, which is due to hatred posed towards the immigrants and as well as racial fears (Mink, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Over the years, populism has been represented by some methods: interpreting the electoral mandates, comparing electoral results with computer searches for validity, and antagonistic appeals. Donal trump administration favours self-interests over international cooperation, mono-culturalism over multi-culturalism, traditionalism over progressiveness, and closed borders over free flow. The populist, however, raises both political and social issues, such as national isolationism, racial discrimination, resentment, and mistrust from the public. Populism tends not to support cosmopolitanism, which emphasizes and support national cooperation and open borders. Cosmopolitanism supports social liberalism, which yields democracy, political diversity, rational policymaking, and social liberalism. Social liberalism is characterized by support of the minority group, such as people of colour, the LGBTQ, religious values, and equal women gender rights. Populiarism has been rising and experienced in the past three political waves.
Populism has been contributed by voters attitudes and high-demand opinions of voters (Berman, 2021, pp, 71-88). Another reason is the institutional rules, such as the type of electoral system, and lastly, the strategic appeal of leaders. On the other side, not everything populists say or do is fictitious. The biggest mistake populists are to think and act like they know everything that is happening in the society, such as the case of Donald Trump. For instance, Donald Trump, for a very long time, made the Americans view themselves as a white identity movement, which is a form of racialization (Rovira Kaltwasser, 2021). Also, populists such as Donald trump changed the Americans attitude and perception about society. Since the era of Hillary Clinton in 1990, there has been no single populist who has been in power and failed to collaborate with the conservative elites. The conservative elites play a critical role in shielding populists mistakes and protecting them from accountability. Populism is bound to fail contributed by elites acting behind the scenes. The irony of the situation is that the populists accuse the elites and act like victims in case of failure.
Donald Trump represents the ongoing political structure, especially when it comes to some policies, such as the tax reform policy. Donald Trump, however, has inherited several already established political structures from Bush and Clinton, such as tax reforms and health policy. The policymaking process was first recognized in the 1990s, especially in budgeting, taxation, and the healthcare system, representing the ongoing American political structure. The populistic rhetoric and other factors represent the American macro-and micro patterns. Donald Trump popularism follows the populism tradition through his campaign messages and issues raised concerning immigration and foreign trade.
According to trump, the long political trend of negotiating bad trade deals with other countries has somehow weakened the American economic system. The anti-immigrant policy is a form of populism but a good policy that eliminates undocumented immigrants, especially those from Mexico. However, the unit-immigrant policy works on preventing and reducing criminal activities in the country, such as eliminating drug dealers and rapists. On the other side, the anti-immigrant policy discriminates between the ordinary and the minority based on race and ethnicity. For instance, discrimination against Muslim immigration tends to compromise the American societal norms, such as causing political conflicts.
Donald trump populist nature is evident in the unfair American economy, the conspiracy theory, loss of status, and the anti-immigration messages. For instance, the use of words such as Muslim terrorists and criminal immigrants shows a lack of ionization and support of ordinary people. Trump supports the elites, but only the elites that support him. Donald Trump believed in himself, his smartness, and his ability to solve problems; hence did not require any advice or assistance from other elites. The former president also expected other elites to bend and follow his will (Waltonet el.,2020). On the other hand, Donald trump centralized power is a form of populism. The former president believed that he alone could fix the nation and protect the nation from any internal and external threats. Donald triumph authoritarian personality play a critical role in separating the ordinary from elites.
The rising support of populists has affected American politics, especially the economy and culture(Broz et el.,2021, pp 464-494). The American political development focus on key areas, such as democracy, liberty, equality, individual responsibility, and civil liberty. The main focus has been on democracy, which is considered the main aspect of the government. However, the changes have been evident, where democratic governance has shifted to authoritarianism due to the rise of populist leaders, such as Hill Clinton, George Bush, and Donald Trump.
The rise of populism has triggered several issues, especially based on equality and the rights of the ordinary people. Populism has been considered a modern-day political style. The leaders tend to focus more on demand for currency and the circulation of currency in the market, government ownership, and income tax (Broz et el.,2021, pp 464-494). The governance is less concentrated on the needs and the rights of the ordinary people, especially the immigrants, and international collaborations. The rise of the populist movement is traced back to when farmers complained about republicans and democrats in the midwest for ignoring their plea and concerns.
The future of American politics is yet to be revealed since the present is characterized by economic inequality, racial tension, and globalization. The biggest worry about the future of American politics is the loss of democracy, where citizens have the right to participate in decision making and the constitution (Destradi et el.,2021). Successful populists movement such as Hill Clinton believed that populism is a style that does not oppress the ordinary but assist ordinary citizens in acquiring prosperity through hard work, self-awareness, and improvements. Also, the mode of governance has been used to prevent conflict and any form of criminal activities from unofficial immigrants.
Populism has opened up an opportunity for self-reliance and redemption of rights. However, today populism pattern has taken a different course which has raised debates concerning the rights and freedom of citizens. Ronald Reagan used populism to support the “forgotten man”. Reagan worked on supporting the forgotten man grow by promoting upward mobility. The reforms used to promote self-reliance were safe and avoided the use of blunt language that would bring conflicts, such as words used by Donald Trump during the campaign concerning Muslims and immigrants (Kenny, 2021). Populists face a choice to learn from past American leaders, such as Ronald Reagan and Hill Clinton (Jillson, 2021). Today’s populist choices will save the future of American politics, especially by choosing to promote self-reliance, and hard work, for positive growth.
List fo References
Berman, S., 2021. The Causes of Populism in the West. Annual Review of Political Science, 24, pp.71-88.
Broz, J.L., Frieden, J. and Weymouth, S., 2021. Populism in place: the economic geography of the globalization backlash. International Organization, 75(2), pp.464-494.
Destradi, S., Cadier, D. and Plagemann, J., 2021. Populism and foreign policy: a research agenda (Introduction).
Jillson, C., 2021. American government: Political development and institutional change. Routledge.
Kenny, P.D., 2021. The strategic approach to populism. Routledge Handbook of Populism in the Asia Pacific. London: Routledge.
Mink, G., 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers. Old Labor and New Immigrants in American Political Development. Cornell University Press.
Rovira Kaltwasser, C., 2021. Bringing political psychology into the study of populism. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 376(1822), p.20200148.
Walton, H., Smith, R.C. and Wallace, S.L., 2020. American politics and the African American quest for universal freedom. Routledge.
Wiarda, H.J. and Kline, H.F., 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online. A concise introduction to Latin American politics and development. Routledge.