Marketing in the digital age is very dynamic; it is necessary to monitor multiple digital channels and platforms to engage with your target audience without missing any opportunity. Digital channels and platforms are measurable and allow for monitoring performance of your marketing efforts in real time.

As a regional marketing director in the course scenario, you are tasked with designing a phased marketing strategy for reopening the park. You have already done an analysis of brand implications and have identified suitable traditional marketing methods to address the marketing needs for park reopening. As the organization has chosen a blended approach (traditional plus digital) for marketing, your CMO wants you to create a digital marketing strategy to go with the traditional marketing strategy you already determined.

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation to help other directors in the scenario understand the importance of digital marketing for brand awareness. Create speaker notes, if necessary, for each slide. Specifically, you need to address the following criteria:

How will you use digital marketing to enhance brand awareness ? (slide 1)
Identify two digital marketing methods that can be used for brand awareness and support with reasons. (slides 2–3)
Define short-term and long-term goals for brand awareness in the digital marketing strategy.
How will you determine the balance between the digital and traditional marketing?
How will the identified methods help you reach the target audience?
How will you measure the performance of your marketing efforts?
Use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve search performance. (slides 4–5)
Identify five keywords you will use to improve web search performance, and justify your strategy for keyword selection.
How will you redesign or rewrite the content of your website to support SEO strategy?
Describe the inbound marketing efforts. (slide 6)
How can they help in brand awareness?
Define the required content strategy for inbound marketing.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a PowerPoint presentation with 5–7 slides. Consult the Shapiro Library Ace homework tutors – APA Style Guide for more information.


Marketing in the digital age is incredibly dynamic, so you’ll need to keep an eye on many digital channels and platforms to make sure you’re not missing any opportunities to communicate with your target audience. Digital channels and platforms are measurable, allowing you real-time tracking of the effectiveness of your marketing activities.

In the course scenario, you are responsible with developing a staged marketing strategy for reopening the park as a regional marketing director. You’ve previously conducted a brand study and found traditional marketing approaches that will meet the park’s reopening marketing requirements. Your CMO wants you to design a digital marketing strategy to complement the traditional marketing strategy you already have because the company has chosen a hybrid approach to marketing (traditional and digital).

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