In the world today, due to the ease of distribution and commerce, we see much diversity of products all over the place. A high competitors in this are comics, the American comic battling the Japanese comic (manga). There is a big difference in art styles between Manga, which is more exaggerated and American comics, which tend to be more “realistic”. There are also quite a few serious differences between the two types of comics. Some of the differences, just to mention a few of them are the cost, creation, diverse audience and genres, presentation and even size.
Many continue reading the American comics because it is traditional, eye catching, and they like heroes. However more are turning to manga instead for it appeals to their everyday lifestyles, it’s simple, and there is a lot more content. Manga will be more prominent than American comics without a doubt. The creation of Manga and its layout is quite different than American Comics. Manga is printed in black and white format while American comics are for the most part in full color. Also, when you look at a graphic novel or Manga you will notice there is a great difference in the size.
Manga is frequently smaller than traditional American comic books, usually digest-size and roughly half or less the size of American comics. Where the American comics are generally thin like a small magazine, Manga is thick and with many more pages. This not only makes it more comfortable for the reader it also provides more content keeping their attention longer. In page count, Manga is quite similar to graphic novels, which are often just collections of the ongoing American comics.

But unlike American graphic novels, which are usually just a collection of monthly comics in a single unified story or story arc, Manga books are often apart of an even bigger story and a complete Manga storyline can run thousands of pages. Another difference between traditional American comics is that mainstream American comics are often created in a sort of assembly-line fashion. They have a writer, a penciler (initial sketch), inker (uses a pen to ink over the sketch), letterer (adds dialog) and a colorist.
Most Manga books are done by a single creator, who combines all those chores except coloring. Also Manga story lines usually move at a much quicker pace. Due to the high page count, one reads a Manga book at an accelerated pace. Manga books almost always have fewer panels and less dialogue (rambling) per page than American comic books. Check the average Japanese comic book, and you’ll find lots of wordless art. Some of this may be establishing shots, setting a scene or a mood.
Some of it may be pure visual action or suspense, told solely through motion, facial expressions, or body language. The price for Manga is also less than the average comic book and a bit less than a standard paperback novel, the small size of Manga and black-and-white printing rather than full color keeps the cost down. The lack color is made up when you consider the story development that it’ll have with the amount of pages it has. In Japan, Manga is not viewed as just for kids unlike the American stereotype.
There pretty much is a Manga for everyone. With that being stated there are three main genres in Japanese Manga: Shonen Manga (boy’s comics), Shojo Manga (girl’s comics) and Hentai (adult comics). Shonen Manga is pretty much comics that are primarily action and/or adventure geared. Shojo Manga is for the opposite sex; they are often about relationships and/or love interests. I need help writing my essay – research paper note that even though a particular genre is geared towards a certain audience it’s not limited to just that audience (unless otherwise stated).
Hentai Manga are more focused on the sexual aspect of adulthood usually banned from those younger than the limit. While American comics tend to fall into a few specific genres (superhero, science fiction, etc. ), Japanese comics are designed for a much wider range of reading interests. There are Japanese comics for young boys and girls to adults of all tastes and interests. There are sports comics, soap-opera comics, ambitious business comics — just about any topic you can name.
Many of these are much too specialized for the American market, but they are fascinating to know about. With this look at the competing markets, I believe that Manga will just take over due to its large variety. American comics having been based of history or such figures have a harder time keeping up. Manga aren’t as reliant on a base and a set of rules which allows them to adapt or simply tell whatever the story is. Until American comics can find that flexibility they simply won’t be able to keep up with Manga.

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