Read the two brief HBR articles below and answer the following questions.

• An open office experiment that actually worked: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay/10/an-open-office-experiment-that-actually-worked

• How to make sure people won’t hate your new open office plan: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online/01/sgc-research-when-moving-to-an-open-office-plan-pay-attention-to-how-your-employees-feel

1. Define a project. 

2. What are five characteristics which help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of the organization? 

3. Do your best to name the five characteristics of the project from the open office experiment article above.  (as an FYI, Time, cost, and performance requirements were omitted from the article) 

Would you consider this a project?

4. After reading the second HBR article above, “How to make sure people won’t hate your new open office plan”, why do you think it can be so difficult to make the open office plan work?  (please also speak to the technical and sociocultural dimensions of the project)

short answer to each question (50 each)

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