UNIT TITLE MAN101 Introduction to Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
COURSE Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
CREDIT POINTS 15 Credit Points
DURATION One semester
Assessment task 3: Decision-making Report
Marks Allocated: 35% of the total course mark
Due Date: Week 12
Word limit: 1500 words
A manager has to make and implement decisions as part of his role. Being a future manager in the contemporary business environment, the students are expected to face critical management-related issues and to make key decisions to resolve those issues in timely manner. Discuss the decision-making process from a manager’s point of view using a real-world management-related example/issue. How can you improve your decision-making skills? Why do managers make wrong decisions? How you could have made a better one? Which step of the decision-making process could you have improved?
Details of an Assessment
Focus of report: Analysis of Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment-related issues and their solutions
You are required to investigate current Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment-related issues in the workplace. You are to conduct research into a workplace of your choice, identify the most contentious management issues, develop solutions and submit a report detailing your research, conclusions and recommendations.
Your task:
1. Select an Australian workplace for research. It may be your current workplace, or that of a colleague or relative. It is recommended that the organisation be a small one.
2. Collect a data using any data collection source such as survey questionnaire, interview, observation, documents. You may wish to supplement your findings with observations (websites, reading material) and conversations with employees and employers of the firm.
3. Analyse the information you have gained and summarise your findings related to emerging management-related issues.
4. Identify any management-related issues that have emerged from your investigation.
5. Consider and develop solutions to the issues you have identified using your theoretical and practical knowledge related to management.
6. Write a report using the following headings:
a. Title page – title of report, author, date, who for
b. Executive summary – mini version of report (no more than half a page)
c. Table of contents – pages and sections numbered; should not include executive summary or title page
d. Introduction – scope of research, research methods, analysis undertaken
e. Body of report (your headings) – research findings, issues, literature review, solutions using theoretical knowledge
f. Conclusions and recommendations – summary of analysis and solutions to issues identified
g. Reference List – a list of academic literature and other source of information on your research according to the APA Referencing Style Guide
h. Appendices – copy of questionnaire, notes, any other items considered relevant
7. Read the marking guide (below) and be mindful of its contents when writing your report.
Marks will be allocated based on the following criteria:
Assessment Marks Allocation
Analysis of academic literature on decision-making process 20% (7)
Identified the relevant business issue/practice and critically discuss them 30% (10.5)
Correctly analysed a real-world example of decision-making 30% (10.5)
Presentation of the report and referencing 20% (7)
TOTAL 100% (35)
Rubric for Assessment 3
Criteria High Distinction 80 % + Distinction 70%+ Credit 60%+ Pass 50% + Fail
Analysis of academic literature on topic.
Correctly identified and reviewed the most up-todate literature. Correctly identified and reviewed relevant literature Correctly identified and
reviewed some relevant literature Identified and made attempts to review some literature on topic. Have not reviewed relevant literature on topic or has not shown any understanding
Identified the relevant business issue/practice and critically discussed
Superior level of critical
thinking and research
skills Very good level of critical thinking and research skills Skilfully evaluates information gathered from research, observation, experience, reflection, or reasoning Adequately demonstrates reasonable relationships among ideas Insufficient reasoning and lacks complexity of thought
Correctly analysed a real-world example of decision-making process and applied the
relevant theory
Critically analysed application of theory in the example used and correctly identified strengths and weaknesses in the decision making process Analysed application of theory in the example used and correctly identified some strengths and weaknesses in the decision making process Analysed application of theory in the example used and identified some strengths and weaknesses in the decision making process Analysed application of theory in the example used and made some attempt to identify strengths and weaknesses in the decision making process Did not use the theory framework in discussing the process.
Presentation of written report and
APA referencing
All levels of content are covered in depth. Wide range of contemporary references and sources are well cited when
specific statements are made High level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when
specific statements are made Appropriate content is covered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific statements are made Most major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected References were basic and some errors of citation Major sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate references and poor citation
MAN101 – Introduction to Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
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