Maintaining patients’ skin integrity decreases hospital-acquired infection rates and reduces patients’ length of stay.

Respond in one well-developed paragraph.
Complete the Pieper Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test (Links to an external site.).
Check your answers against the answer key (Links to an external site.).
Provide your score and, in no more than one paragraph, develop three to five objectives that will help you enhance your knowledge about providing safe care to patients who may have challenges to their skin integrity.
Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.
Submit your score and objectives as an attachment in the assignment area.


Maintaining a patient’s skin integrity lowers the risk of hospital-acquired infections and shortens their stay.

Respond with a single paragraph that is well-developed.

Take the Pieper Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test to see if you know everything there is to know about pressure ulcers (Links to an external site.).

Compare your answers to the answer key (Links to an external site.).

Provide your score and, in no more than one paragraph, construct three to five objectives that will help you get a better understanding of how to provide safe care to patients with skin integrity issues.

For additional information on how your assignment will be judged, look over the rubric.

In the assignment area, upload your score and objectives as an attachment.

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