M8.4 Assignment: Communicating Across Cultures

In Module 7, you were introduced to and began working on this assignment. I need help writing my essay – research paper take the remainder of the week to complete. Here is a reminder of the activity.
The global nature of organizations is on the rise. Therefore, navigating a diverse workforce and adjusting to cross-cultural issues is of the utmost importance. In that light, consider the following scenario:
As the senior manager of a large software development firm, you have been assigned the oversight of a team of employees tasked with marketing a software program meant to track employee productivity. You will market the software primarily in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Your immediate supervisor has informed you that the international team will convene in four weeks at your corporate headquarters, then travel back to their home countries. You are tasked with creating a marketing plan that will sell your software through the world, and the following individuals will be on your team:
• Hong Yu (China)
• Sofia Schmidt (Germany)
• Brian Cole (US)
• Chao Lin (China)
• Ivan Rosker (Russia)

• Megan Chang (Japan)

• Liling Woo (China)
• Marie Mayer (Germany)
• Marco Aurora (Italy)

• Bokamoso Rolong (South Africa)

All of the team members are fluent in English, as well as their native language. Keep in mind the cultural diversity of your team.

You will create a PowerPoint which you will present via Zoom. Your presentation should include the following:
• An introduction of yourself to your team, including your background and position.
• Your plan to senior management on how you will communicate with the team and discuss how you will overcome language and technology barriers that may occur when communicating with those throughout the world.
• A new “Code of Communication” that will detail the rules that are expected when communicating/interacting with others on the team (for instance, how often meetings will be held, how team members will communicate with others ((e.g., respect for diverse opinions, etc.)), how you will address conflict, etc. In other words, you should discuss all aspects of how differently you will manage communication in a global, diverse team that interacts largely in the online format.
• Your PowerPoint should consist of 6-8 slides, and your video presentation should be at least eight minutes in length.
You must research at least 2 resources from the Excelsior Library and cite them in your transcript using Ace homework tutors – APA format (7th edition.) Remember to include a link to your recording as well as a copy of your transcript.
***If you need accommodations under ADA to complete this assignment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your professor for an alternative assignment.***

Library and Multimedia Resources
Use the EC Library resources to properly cite your work (Login to the EC Library is required):
• Human Resources Research Guide (Links to an external site.)

• Plagiarism & Copyright (Links to an external site.)

• Excelsior Library Writing Help (Links to an external site.)

• Ace homework tutors – APA Citation Help (Links to an external site.)

• Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.)

You can use any recording tool of your choice for your video. However, the following offers tips you may find useful:
• Multimedia Tip Sheet
• Zoom Instructions Download Zoom Instructions

I need help writing my essay – research paper note: This is a required artifact for your E-portfolio.

Assignments as a whole are worth 20% of your final grade. This assignment is due Sunday by 11:59 PM EST and will be assessed using the Communicating Across Cultures Rubric.
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Communicating Across Cultures Video Presentation Rubric
Communicating Across Cultures Video Presentation Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
5 pts
25 pts
25 pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
Total Points: 100

5 to >4.0 pts
You provide a concise, well-articulated, description of your background and position. 4 to >3.0 pts
You provide a concise, description of your background and position. Minor points need further clarification. 3 to >2.0 pts
Minimally Responsive
You provide a brief description of your background and position. The description is vague and needs more information, so the audience has a better understanding of your role. 2 to >0.0 pts
You identify yourself and attempt to provide a brief overview. Major details are missing, inadequately described, leaving your audience unable to understand your role. 0 pts
No Points
This criterion was not addressed. You did not adhere to the Academic Honesty Policy.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Evidence-based Communication Plan

25 to >22.0 pts
You succinctly addressed how you will manage communication in a global, diverse team that interacts largely in the online format. You focused on a Code of Communication. 22 to >19.0 pts
You addressed how you will manage communication in a global, diverse team that interacts largely in the online format. You focused on a Code of Communication. 19 to >16.0 pts
Minimally Responsive
You did not adequately address how you will manage communication in a global, diverse team that interacts largely in the online format. You did not focus on a Code of Communication. 16 to >0.0 pts
You did not adequately address how you will manage communication in a global, diverse team that interacts largely in the online format. You did not focus on a Code of Communication. 0 pts
No Points
You did not address how you will manage communication in a global, diverse team that interacts largely in the online format. You did not focus on a Code of Communication.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
PowerPoint Presentation

25 to >22.0 pts
The PowerPoint presentation exceeds the information requirements of the assignment. The length of the presentation exceeded the 8-minute requirement. Information is presented in a logical sequence/structure and reflects your deep understanding and effective summarization. You used various presentation props and tools creatively and effectively to enhance persuasion visually and auditorily, attracting the audience with the natural and consistent flow from slide to slide throughout the entire delivery of the presentation. 22 to >19.0 pts
The PowerPoint presentation meets the information requirements of the assignment. The length of the presentation met the 8-minute requirement. Information is presented in a logical sequence/structure and reflects your understanding and effective summarization. You used some various presentation props and tools effectively to enhance persuasion visually and auditorily, attracting audience with the natural and consistent flow from slide to slide throughout the entire delivery of the presentation. 19 to >16.0 pts
Minimally Responsive
The PowerPoint presentation does not meet the information requirements of the assignment. The number of slides was lower than requested. The length of the presentation was less than the 8-minute requirement. Information is not presented in a logical sequence/structure and reflects your cursory understanding and summarization. Some of your presentation props and tools are used effectively to enhance persuasion visually and auditorily. 16 to >0.0 pts
The PowerPoint presentation does not meet the information requirements of the assignment. The number of slides was lower than requested. The length of the presentation was less than the 8-minute requirement. Information is not presented in a logical sequence/structure and does not reflect an understanding and summarization. No presentation props and tools are used creatively and effectively to enhance persuasion visually and auditorily, attracting the audience with the natural and consistent flow from slide to slide throughout the entire delivery of the presentation. 0 pts
No Points
There is no PowerPoint presentation that meets the information requirements of the assignment. The length of the presentation was well below the 8-minute requirement. You did not adhere to the College’s Academic Honesty Policy.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Connection with Audience

15 to >12.0 pts
The material is presented clearly with the intended audience in mind (i.e., clear and relevant explanations are presented). Examples, details, and language is interesting and relevant, as well as used effectively to keep the audience engaged and connected with the presentation. 12 to >9.0 pts
The material is presented clearly with the intended audience in mind; however, further explanation of some ideas would enhance the clarity. Examples, details, and language are appropriate. More relevant examples would facilitate a stronger connection with the audience. 9 to >5.0 pts
Minimally Responsive
The material is presented at too high or too low of a level for the intended audience, making it difficult for the speaker to engage and connect with the audience. Examples, details, and language are inappropriate or irrelevant for the audience. Presentation indicates a lack of interest or confusion on the part of the presenter. 5 to >1.0 pts
There is no consideration of the audience taken into account. 1 to >0 pts
No Points
Video requirement is missing. You did not adhere to the College’s Academic Honesty Policy.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Body Language

15 to >12.0 pts
Non-verbal behavior is well-maintained, with appropriate body language used effectively to enhance persuasion. Good posture and eye contact are maintained appropriately throughout the entire delivery of video. 12 to >9.0 pts
Non-verbal behavior is generally well- maintained, good posture and eye contact is maintained appropriately throughout the entire delivery of video. Some inappropriate body language may have been used, though not enough to be distracting. 9 to >5.0 pts
Minimally Responsive
There are moments during the video when good posture, eye contact, and body language is maintained, though inconsistently. At times, eyes were darting in different directions at inappropriate times, and distracting postures and body language. 5 to >1.0 pts
There is no body language involved; the student simply stayed in one position during the entire duration of the video. 1 to >0 pts
No Points
Video requirement is missing. You did not adhere to the College’s Academic Honesty Policy.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Use of Sources as Evidence

15 to >12.0 pts
Your selected resources are credible, and have clear relevance with the topic at hand, and are used as sources of evidence to support claims made. You selected at least two sources from Excelsior’s library to make strong arguments for/against claims. Ace homework tutors – APA style was followed. 12 to >9.0 pts
Some of your selected resources from Excelsior’s library are credible and have relevance with the topic at hand,and are used as sources of evidence to support claims made. Including additional sources would have strengthened the support of certain claims. Ace homework tutors – APA style was followed. 9 to >5.0 pts
Minimally Responsive
Most of your selected resources are not credible and are not relevant to your topic. You did not use Excelsior’s library to locate sources. An insufficient number of resources were used. Ace homework tutors – APA style was followed. 5 to >1.0 pts
Your selected resources are not credible and are not relevant to your topic. You did not use Excelsior’s library to locate sources. An insufficient number of resources were used. Ace homework tutors – APA style was not consistently followed. 1 to >0 pts
No Points
Your selected resources are not credible and are not relevant to your topic. You did not use Excelsior’s library to locate sources. You did not use Excelsior’s library to locate sources. Ace homework tutors – APA style was not followed. You did not adhere to the College’s Academic Honesty Policy.

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