M3D1 Dove: Campaign for Real Beauty

When preparing for your discussion post on this case, it is recommended that you read through it several times.
• Read through it the first time to familiarize yourself with the prompt.
• On the second reading, consider your assigned role in the situation, and let that guide your perspective.
• Look deeper at the details: facts, problems, organizational goals, objectives, policies, strategies.
• Next, consider the concepts, theories, tools and research you need to use to address the issues presented.
• Then, complete any research, analysis, calculations, or graphing to support your decisions and make recommendations.
The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty focused on women’s relationship with beauty and self-worth. Based on a report in 2004, Dove used the findings to launch an ad campaign using posters and billboards to challenge the concept of beauty. In the short video, Dove Evolution
(Links to an external site.)
(Video file, 1 min 14 sec), you can see the transformation of one plain woman into a beauty using make-up and technology. The concept in the
Every Girl is Beautiful
(Links to an external site.)

(Video file, 49 sec) video was conceived after Dove management attended an off-site meeting and filmed their own daughters discussing their self-esteem challenges. In this case study, you will explore the value of connecting with an audience on a very personal level and in a way unrelated to the standard product value proposition.
You have been given a new beauty products account by your company’s marketing Manager. The Manager tells you that the company wants the marketing strategy to model the Dove Campaign. Read the Case Study: Dove Campaign for Real Beauty
(Links to an external site.)
and watch the videos Dove Evolution
(Links to an external site.)
(Video file, 1 min 14 sec) and
Every Girl is Beautiful
(Links to an external site.)

(Video file, 49 sec). Draft a memo to the Manager addressing the following questions.
1. In the discussion forum, answer the following:
a. How did the Dove campaign connect with the target audience and how would you evaluate the overall effectiveness of that strategy?
b. Did the campaign show an awareness of consumer behavior and the role of motivation? In what ways and how did that shape the development of the strategy?
2. In response to your peers, take on the role of their Marketing Manager. Do you feel their recommended marketing strategy will produce the same results as the Dove Campaign? Why or why not? Support your answers using relevant, scholarly resources and citations in Ace homework tutors – APA format. Responses should comprise 200-600 words.
Support your answers using relevant, scholarly resources and citations in Ace homework tutors – APA format.
Responses should comprise 200-600 words.
Datamonitor. (2005). Dove campaign for real beauty case study: Innovative marketing strategies for the beauty industry
(Links to an external site.)
. London, United Kingdom: Datamonitor.
Consult the Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to make your initial post, click on the “Reply”. Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click “Post Reply.”
To respond to a peer, click “Reply” beneath her or his post and continue as with an initial post.
This discussion will be graded using the discussion board rubric. I need help writing my essay – research paper review this rubric, located on the Rubrics page within the Start Here module of the course, prior to beginning your work to ensure your participation meets the criteria in place for this discussion. All discussions combined are worth 20% of your final course grade.



M3D1 Dove: Real Beauty Campaign

It is recommended that you read over this case numerous times before writing your discussion post about it.

• Read it through the first time to become acquainted with the prompt.

• Consider your designated role in the circumstance on the second reading, and let that shape your perspective.

• Dig further into the specifics: facts, issues, organizational goals, objectives, policies, and strategies.

• Next, explore the concepts, theories, techniques, and research that will be required to address the concerns raised.

• Finally, complete any research, analysis, computations, or graphing needed to back up your conclusions and recommendations.


The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty focused on women’s relationship with beauty and self-worth. Based on a report in 2004, Dove used the findings to launch

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Research Helper
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