poem: Harlem By Langston hughes
1.   Clearly state a three thesis—three literary elements which are significant to one’s
understanding of the work.
2.   Use literary jargon and formal language. 
–If a literary element is recognized while discussing an example, which specifically references a thesis, identify that literary element.
3.   When elaborating about the literature, discuss it in Present Tense and use verbals that assert your analyses/criticisms.
4.   Ace my homework – Write literary analysis in Third Person Point of View.
5.   State analysis clearly and provide an example (or more, if necessary) to support
analysis; then, explain example so that it clearly references/supports analysis.
6.   In the Introduction, state the author’s complete name, complete title of the literary work (punctuated correctly), and the genre of the piece.
7.   When referencing the author in proceeding paragraphs, excluding the Conclusion, it is appropriate to use his/her surname/last name.
8.   When directly citing examples from the work, be certain to punctuate appropriately and include the page number in parentheses.
–*Chunk quotes from the literary work, including documentation/reference from the work.
I.  Historical Introduction
A.  Identify the historical time period and one or two major occurrences that, apparently, influenced the author and his/her literary work.  A definition of the occurrence(s) may be necessary for correlation.
B.  Identify the literary period and two or three characteristics of that literary period that are evident in the literary work chosen.  Identify two major writers and one or two of their works that are noteworthy.
II.  Primary Introduction
A.  Begin professionally.
B.  Provide a brief summary of the work.  (2-3 sentences)
C.  Express the theme of the literature, if writing a thematic analysis.
D.  State three-point thesis.
III.  Analysis of Thesis Point 1
A.  Clearly state topic sentence, including key word(s) from thesis point 1.
B.  Provide three (3) analyses and evidences from the literature, including researched insight to validate/further substantiate your analyses.
a.  Analysis 1a
b.  Literary Evidence (w/doc)
c.  Outside Support (w/complete name of source w/credentials and verbal)
d.  Analysis 2b
e.  Literary Evidence (w/doc)
f.  Outside Support (w/complete name of source w/credentials and verbal)
C.  Construct a transitional sentence. (Optional)
IV.  Analysis of Thesis Point 2
A.  Clearly state topic sentence, including key word(s) from thesis point 2.
B.  Provide three (3) analyses and evidences from the literature, including
      researched insight to validate/further substantiate your analyses.
a..  Analysis 1a
b.  Literary Evidence (w/doc)
c.  Outside Support (w/complete name of source w/credentials and verbal)
d.  Analysis 2b
e.  Literary Evidence (w/doc)
f.  Outside Support (w/complete name of source w/credentials and verbal)
C.  Construct a transitional sentence. (Optional)
V.       Analysis of Thesis Point 3
A.  Clearly state topic sentence, including key word(s) from thesis point 3.
B.  Provide three (3) analyses and evidences from the literature, including researched insight to validate/further substantiate your analyses.
a..  Analysis 1a
b.  Literary Evidence (w/doc)
c.  Outside Support (w/complete name of source w/credentials and verbal)
d.  Analysis 2b
e.  Literary Evidence (w/doc)
f.  Outside Support (w/complete name of source w/credentials and verbal)
C.  Construct a transitional sentence. (Optional)
V.         Conclusion
A.  Provide the essential information.
B.  Assignment Help – Summarize your thesis points of discussion/analysis.
C.  Offer thematic/philosophical insight regarding your analysis (and/or the literary work).

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