Answer the following questions for each of the (5) articles, the answers should be in 2-3 sentences.
1. Stressful life events in Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorder: Cause or Consequence of mood symptoms?
2. The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Psychological Treatments for Mood, Anxiety and Related Disorders
3. Simply Psychology
4. Psychological Disorder: What Makes a Behavior Abnormal
5. Cognitive processing therapy for Veterans with PTSD: A Comparison between outpatient and residential treatment.
Here are the questions to answer for EACH article:
1. What is the title of the article? Provide a reference for the article in proper APA format?
2. What is the purpose of the article?
3. What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words what claims do the author(s) make in the article?
4.What variables (factors) are being looked at as an influence on abnormal behavior?
5. If these variables or the relationship between these variables have been studied before, what does the article indicate about the findings of previous studies?
6. Write a page paper – Describe the type of research design ( descriptive , correlational or experimental) that was used in the study?
7. Do you think the research in this article was conducted in an ethical manner? Why or why not?
8. What was the outcome(s) of the study, that is, the conclusion that the authors made as a result of the study?