Liberty University GLST 650 EXAM 2

Exam 2



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36 out of 50 points  

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54 minutes out of 1 hour


·         Time limit: 1 hour

·         24 true/false, multiple-choice, matching, and essay questions

·         Open-book/open-notes 

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·         Question 1

3 out of 3 points

Match the following:



Selected Match



A term referring to the mixing of Christian assumptions with worldview assumptions that are incompatible with the Gospel.

redemptive analogy


is a concept captured by terms  such as  the Sawi Peace Child, the Damalhai, the Dani nabelan-kabelan, the YaliOsuwa and the IncaViracocha

William Carey


Pioneered the Protestant Church in India and translated or published the Bible in 40 different Indian languages.



a leading missiologist has argued that Western Christian missions have been one of the greatest secularizing forces in history.

Rick Warren


said the Church is the greatest force on earth and is capable of tackling the world’s biggest problems/five global giants—such as spiritual lostness, egocentric leadership, poverty, disease and ignorance.

·         Question 2

2 out of 2 points

According to Rick Love which of the following options would refer to the massive global trends that have profoundly changed our 21st Century world?

·         Question 3

2 out of 2 points

Contextualization of Christianity refers to:-

·         Question 4

2 out of 2 points

Tom Steffen discusses seven reasons why storytelling should become a skill practiced by all communicators of the Gospel. Which one is NOT among his list?

·         Question 5

2 out of 2 points

“Going native” as a way of missionary identification is a special virtue.

·         Question 6

2 out of 2 points

According to Don Richardson, Indonesian Christians have been  more effective in winning Muslims to Christ than any other Christians. His observation comes from the fact that

·         Question 7

2 out of 2 points

In the text, ‘Is God colorblind or colorful’ Miriam Adeney suggests four qualifications which missions should use in dealing with the dehumanizing bent of globalization. Which one of these is NOT one of them?

·         Question 8

2 out of 2 points

According to our text the main reason thousands of people  starve for lack of food is that the world does not produce enough food to feed everybody.

·         Question 9

2 out of 2 points

In  Moral Relativism the purpose of  Scripture is to be taken as advise.

·         Question 10

0 out of 2 points

According to John Travis article in our text the greatest hindrance to faith in Christ among Muslims is cultural not theological.

·         Question 11

0 out of 2 points

In intercultural communication anything that affects a peoples’ _______________will affect the whole culture.

·         Question 12

2 out of 2 points

According to Roger Greenway the massive migration to the cities that is occurring around the world must have a divinely –ordained, redemptive purpose behind it.

·         Question 13

2 out of 2 points

In the Perspectives text both Lloyd Kwast and Charles Kraft point out that at the heart or center  of any culture is its ________________.

·         Question 14

2 out of 2 points

Don Richardson in response to the criticism that missionaries destroy local cultures said, “ We risk our lives to get to them first because we believe we are more sympathetic agents of change than profit -hungry commercialists” Who are the profit-hungry commercialists?

·         Question 15

0 out of 2 points

Roger Greenway observes that the eschatological vision of the New Jerusalem inspires Christ’s urban workers and shapes the mission agenda. Where does he base his observation?

·         Question 16

0 out of 2 points

In David Hesselgrave‘ Three-Culture Model of missionary Communication ‘ the first task of the missionary is to__________________________________.

·         Question 17

2 out of 2 points

What  reasons makes Roger Greenway state  that  today’s  cities are  the new frontier of Christian missions and that  to neglect them would be a strategic mistake?

·         Question 18

0 out of 2 points

Building on the words of an  Indian  history student who  described  William Carey as the father of Indian Renaissance of the 19th
and 20th Centuries, Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi  described  Carey   as a transformer of culture because:-

·         Question 19

2 out of 2 points

Based on our text, doing urban ministry requires the following key practical considerations . Which one does not belong in the list?

·         Question 20

0 out of 2 points

International Christian Concern reported that “More Christians have been persecuted and martyred for their faith in 20th century than all previous centuries combined”. From the list of basic areas of world needs as discussed by World Relief which one reported on this persecution?

·         Question 21

0 out of 2 points

According to anthropologist William D. Reyburn, the basis of missionary identification is

·         Question 22

2 out of 2 points

In taking the Gospel to homogenous and heterogeneous communities, Eugene Nida identifies four basic principles for four principles for effective communication. Which one does not belong?

·         Question 23

5 out of 5 points

Give a reasoned out argument why you think mission experts consider today’s cities as the new frontier of Christian missions and that to neglect them would be a strategic mistake.

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