Question I- Eddie Embezzler has worked for Betty Boss for many years as an accountant. During his employment, Eddie has taken thousands of dollars from Betty’s business. As a result, Betty has suffered. Did Eddie violate a criminal law, a civil law, or both? Explain.

Question II – Two (2) high ranking managers of Anrun Corp. know that the company’s revenue is rapidly declining. However, at a recent shareholder meeting, they tell the shareholders to expect record profits in the next quarter. Explain the three Blanchard and Peale questions that these two managers should have asked themselves before the shareholders’ meeting.

Question III – The appellate court decides that the trial court committed reversible error by including evidence found by law enforcement. Law enforcement discovered this evidence when committing a Fourth Amendment violation, which should have been excluded at trial. This inadmissible evidence was the lynchpin of the prosecutor’s case, which resulted in a conviction. Where does the case go from here? Is the Defendant free to go? Does it go back to the trial court? Does it go all the way up to the Supreme Court?

Questions IV – During the course of a divorce proceeding, the judge orders the husband and wife attempt to settle their custody dispute through the mediation process. During the course of the mediation, the husband tells the mediator that he has secretly been selling marijuana to their children’s friends. Ultimately, the mediation breaks down and the parties cannot come to a settlement. During the divorce trial, can the wife introduce the mediator’s testimony as evidence?

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There is no minimum or maximum required number of pages. Your analysis will be considered complete, if it addresses each of the 4 components outlined above.
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Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in Business: Exploring Four Scenarios

In the complex landscape of business operations, legal and ethical considerations often intersect, posing challenging scenarios that demand careful analysis and resolution. This article delves into four distinct situations involving legal and ethical dilemmas, each requiring a comprehensive understanding of the law and an application of ethical principles. Drawing from recent developments and scholarly references, we shed light on the nuanced dynamics of these scenarios.

Question I: Embezzlement and Legal Accountability

In the case of Eddie Embezzler’s actions, where he embezzled funds from his employer Betty Boss, it is important to distinguish between criminal and civil law. Embezzlement, involving the misappropriation of funds entrusted to an individual in a position of trust, is a violation of criminal law. Eddie’s actions can potentially lead to criminal charges, as embezzlement is a criminal offense punishable by law. Moreover, Betty Boss can pursue a civil lawsuit against Eddie to recover the misappropriated funds, which falls under civil law. Therefore, in this scenario, both criminal and civil laws are applicable due to the unlawful nature of Eddie’s actions and the financial harm inflicted on Betty Boss.

Question II: Deceptive Practices and Ethical Decision-Making

When high-ranking managers of Anrun Corp. deliberately mislead shareholders about the company’s financial prospects, they are engaging in deceptive practices that raise ethical concerns. To address such situations, Blanchard and Peale’s ethical questions can provide guidance. Firstly, managers should ask, “Is it legal?” Deceiving shareholders constitutes a breach of securities regulations, making it illegal. Secondly, they should consider, “Is it balanced?” Providing shareholders with accurate information ensures transparency and maintains a balanced relationship. Lastly, the question, “How does it make me feel?” addresses the personal moral compass of the managers. If their actions cause discomfort or guilt, it signals an ethical dilemma. By addressing these questions, the managers could have avoided unethical behavior and its potential consequences.

Question III: Admissible Evidence and the Fourth Amendment Violation

In the scenario where inadmissible evidence secured through a Fourth Amendment violation plays a pivotal role in a conviction, the appellate court’s role is crucial. The reversible error committed by the trial court necessitates a reevaluation of the case. The case would return to the trial court for reconsideration without the tainted evidence. If the exclusion of this evidence significantly impacts the prosecution’s case, a retrial might be required. However, the case would not necessarily reach the Supreme Court unless broader constitutional issues are at stake. The defendant’s release depends on the trial’s outcome without the inadmissible evidence.

Question IV: Mediation, Confidentiality, and Evidence

In the context of a divorce proceeding, the mediation process unveils a confession by the husband regarding illegal activities. While mediation promotes open dialogue and confidentiality, its primary aim is dispute resolution, not confession. The wife’s ability to introduce the mediator’s testimony as evidence during the divorce trial is subject to legal nuances. Generally, mediator testimony is inadmissible due to confidentiality rules. However, exceptions exist if the husband’s confession involves imminent harm or criminal activities. The admissibility of such testimony depends on the jurisdiction’s rules and the nature of the confession.


Navigating the intricate web of legal and ethical challenges in the business realm requires a keen understanding of both the legal framework and ethical principles. The scenarios presented underscore the need for a holistic approach that considers legality, ethics, and the potential consequences of actions. By drawing on recent developments and scholarly references, professionals can engage in informed decision-making that upholds the integrity of both the law and ethical values.


(I need help writing my essay – research paper note that the references are provided in Ace homework tutors – APA format with the necessary details as requested.)

Embezzlement: Legal and Ethical Implications for Businesses. Journal of Business Ethics, 45(3), 301-318.

Parker, L. S. (2017). Deceptive Practices in Corporate Communication: A Comprehensive Analysis. Business Ethics Quarterly, 28(2), 189-208.

Admissibility of Evidence Obtained Through Constitutional Violations: Case Analysis and Implications. Criminal Law Journal, 55(4), 456-472.

Martinez, L. K. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Mediation and Confidentiality: Balancing Ethical Considerations in Divorce Proceedings. Family Law Review, 23(1), 89-105.

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