LED Temperature Gauge
Statement of Purpose
Give a quick snapshot of what is in the report. The statement of purpose should be concise and should summarize the entire lab, from objective to final results. The statement of purpose should be at least five complete sentences.
State what your goals or objectives are in this lab. The objectives section includes a rationale for why you are doing a lab and why the lab is useful. The objectives should be at least five complete sentences.
Outline any relevant theory, theorems, laws, or principles needed for the lab and briefly describe the theory.
Equipment and Supplies
List all components, equipment, and software used in the lab.
This section should include any data tables from the lab, along with picture proof of the lab’s successful completion. All data tables should be clear, typed and uncluttered. All images should relate to the lab, be cropped appropriately, and contribute to the lab report’s results.
Refer specifically to the data collected during your experiment and explain the data. Explain how the measured data relates to the theoretical results. The Discussion section should be at least ten sentences in length.
Within this paragraph, restate your objectives and indicate if the lab successfully met the objectives. Write a page paper – Describe in detail what you learned and how the lab might be useful to you in the future.
References included should be in either APA format or IEEE format. All references are academically credible and appropriate. Do not use open source references, like Wikipedia or answers.com.
APA format: https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/apastyle.org/learn/quick-guide-on-references.aspx
IEEE format: www.ieee.org/documents/ieeecitationref.pdf