1. Read Introduction to Fluxus Workbook and read Fluxus scores in the workbook.

2. Choose 3 – 5 scores that you like. Long or short. (Bring these on Thursday.)

3. Choose one or two to copy and paste into this Online assignment help tutors – Discussion space. (1 point)

4. Talk about how your scores are composed and who composed them.                                                                   

  • For instance, “Artist, title, date,  5 lines….” (1 point)

5. Talk about how you might see your scores performed. With instruments? props? people? Other?

  • How would your idea begin and end? (2 points)

6. Respond to a peer about their work. (1 point)

Required Readings:

Bruce Altschuler, “Art by Instruction and the Pre-History of do it,” in do it. New York: Independent Curators Incorporated. 1997. 

John Cage, About Indeterminacy (Links to an external site.) (articles)

John Cage, The Future of Music (manifesto)

The Fluxus Workbook.


John Cage official website. –  (Links to an external site.)I need help writing my essay – research paper download the Prepared Piano app

I need help writing my essay – research paper download the 4’33” app. Here. (Links to an external site.)

Art & Engineering: The Legacy of Billy Kluver and E.A.T. – Link

John Cage-Water Walk, performed by Katelyn King  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vdFesRSfuk&feature=youtu.be

https://www.moma.org/explore/inside_out/2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap/12/21/exhibiting-fluxus-keeping-score-in-tokyo-1955-1970-a-new-avant-garde/

https://www.nytimes.com/2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap/01/08/nyregion/celebrating-fluxus-a-movement-that-didnt-create-by-the-rules-review.html

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