This assignment comprises of writing a paper which covers the six main learning outcomes of this course. Using your textbook and the results of your personality test, you will answer the question prompts below in narrative form (no Q & A and no bulleted lists). I need help writing my essay – research paper follow all the Ace homework tutors – APA 7th edition rules.


Take the Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorLinks to an external site.… assessment to examine your individual strengths and experiences in preparation for assuming management and leadership roles.
Ace my homework – Write 5-6 pages using the headings and corresponding prompts below, which you should used in your paper:
Leadership and Management Theory
How can you apply a leadership and management theory to achieve high quality nursing care for your patients and collaborate effectively with your health care team? Identify the citation(s) for the leadership or management theory you chose in answering this question.
Are you more of a leader or a manager? I need help writing my essay – research paper explain why you feel this way. In view of your results of the personality test, how can you strengthen aspects of your personality to grow more in leadership or in management? Which competencies do you need to strengthen to become the leader or manager you want to become?
Change Theory
How do you deal with change at your practice setting? What personality traits would you utilize to promote change in your facility and how did you decide which traits you would use? Are there traits that you would not agree with and why do you think they appear?
Communication Style
What did you learn about yourself taking the personality test? Which type of communicator are you? What are areas that you can strengthen to be more effective? To be more therapeutic? What are some barriers to effective communication styles which you have observed in yourself? Note: You may need to read between the lines in the results, as your communication style is not measured directly.
Performance Improvement and Quality Improvement
How can you manage both performance improvement and quality improvement at the same time? Answer this using your understanding of your results of the personality test and your textbook/lectures about leadership and management.
How can you apply the principles of performance improvement and/or quality improvement into your practice? Choose one principle and explain how you can implement it at your workplace.
Evidence-based Practice and Improvement
Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been emphasized all throughout your BSN program. How does EBP relate to achieving desirable performance outcomes and quality improvement?
Supervision Style
Compare and contrast effective and ineffective supervision styles which you have observed in your workplace. When doing so, make sure to apply principles of delegation, authority, responsibility, and accountability.
Your paper should be
a total of 5-6 pages of the body (not including the cover and reference page)
sourced with two (2) scholarly references within the last five years.
written in the formatting and citation style of Ace homework tutors – APA, 7th editionLinks to an external site.
Be sure to meet with a writing tutorLinks to an external site. after you have an outline/paper to ensure a quality submission.
Follow the template Download templatecarefully, as it is already pre-formatted in Ace homework tutors – APA for you.


Leadership and Management Theory
As a nurse, providing high quality patient care while collaboratively working with other healthcare professionals is of utmost importance. One leadership theory that can help achieve this is situational leadership theory. Situational leadership theory posits that effective leadership depends on assessing the development level of followers and adapting one’s leadership style accordingly (Hersey, Blanchard, & Johnson, 2001). By understanding the capabilities and readiness levels of patients and team members, a nurse can adapt their leadership approach to best support high quality care.
Based on my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator results, I tend to be more of a manager than a leader. I scored high in Sensing and Judging, indicating I prefer structure, order, and focusing on the here-and-now rather than envisioning future possibilities (Myers et al., 1998). To strengthen my leadership abilities, I need to work on developing a broader vision and inspiring others towards shared goals. Practicing delegation and empowering others can help utilize team members’ diverse skills and promote staff engagement. Nurturing relationships and fostering collaboration across disciplines can also support leading high performing healthcare teams.
Change Theory
As an SJ personality, I do not naturally embrace change and prefer established routines. However, as Lewin’s change theory outlines, unfreezing old habits and mindsets is necessary for successful change implementation (Burnes, 2004). To promote needed changes at my facility, I will focus on clearly communicating the why behind changes using concrete examples of improved outcomes. Engaging early adopter personalities to model changes can help others feel psychologically safe to try new approaches. While change takes effort, improving processes supports providing higher quality, safer care.
Communication Style
My personality assessment results revealed I am an ISFJ type, meaning I tend to be reserved, thoughtful, and detail-oriented (Myers et al., 1998). To strengthen communication, I aim to be more outwardly expressive of my thoughtful insights and actively listen to fully understand diverse perspectives. Checking for understanding and inviting questions promotes therapeutic dialogue. While change is difficult, adapting communication styles supports collaborative relationships essential for quality care.
Performance Improvement and Quality Improvement

Managing performance and quality improvement simultaneously requires aligning goals and metrics (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007). By involving stakeholders in setting measurable, attainable objectives, individuals feel invested in success. Regularly reviewing progress through data supports making real-time adjustments as needed. Recognizing accomplishments maintains motivation while continuously raising the bar drives excellence. Implementing rapid Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles tests small changes quickly to identify highest impact opportunities (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, n.d.).
One quality improvement principle I can apply is establishing reliable processes through standardization. By outlining clear expectations and accountabilities, variability is reduced and consistency strengthened. For example, developing nurse-driven protocols for high-risk patients could standardize assessments and interventions known to improve outcomes. Monitoring compliance and outcomes would identify areas for refinement to continuously enhance reliability.
Evidence-based Practice and Improvement
Evidence-based practice (EBP) supports achieving optimal performance and quality by ensuring care provided is grounded in the best available research evidence (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Incorporating EBP findings into protocols and guidelines helps translate knowledge into practice changes proven to impact outcomes. Regular audits assessing adherence to EBP standards identifies education or system barriers inhibiting consistent, high-value care delivery. Ongoing EBP reviews also uncover new evidence meriting process redesign. Together, EBP and continuous quality improvement form a positive feedback loop driving excellence.
Supervision Style
Effective supervision involves clearly defining expectations while supporting autonomy through coaching. In contrast, an authoritarian micromanaging style stifles initiative and breeds resentment. As a nurse manager, I aim to delegate meaningfully based on competencies, provide constructive feedback, and recognize accomplishments – balancing authority with empowerment. While accountability is essential, punitive approaches typically backfire by damaging morale and trust. Leading with empathy and focusing on performance, not personalities, fosters an environment where all can excel to their highest potential.
In conclusion, the Myers-Briggs assessment provided valuable self-insight to strengthen my leadership and management skills as a nurse. While change does not come naturally to my personality type, adapting communication styles and actively promoting staff engagement supports creating a collaborative, high-performing team. Implementing quality and performance improvement principles through an evidence-based lens helps translate research into practice redesigns continuously enhancing outcomes.

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