Question description
LA 2-1: From what you know from experience and course readings, imagine you were hired (for big bucks) to lead a BPI Team for K-Mart.
Identify 3 business objectives similar to those in Using Organizational Business Objectives to Guide a Process Improvement Program, that you might suggest to your BPI Team during the kick-off meeting. For each objective, provide verb-led bullets below it as to why it is important to Kmart’s survival.
LA 2-2: Based on the 3 objectives you chose in LA2-1,
Identify 3 ways – with verb-led bullets below for your
reasons – you might gain stakeholder buy-in or support based on ideas
gained from Best Practices for Socializing Business Process Improvement Initiatives Notes: Tips on BMGT 411 Best Practice in Readable LA Formatting:
Those who use tables and verb-led bullets make your posts far more readable! THX!
ALL: Beware of long, rambling paragraphs – hard to read, esp. online.
Consider verb-led bullets with relevant, key words over long sentences in paragraphs, like these:
Use verb-led bullets more – sentence structure less
Think: verb-object
Make words work hard – no extra words – just relevant ones!
Improve your readability in businessPractice – your biz writing will become very clear
BPI is Business Process Improvement
a systematic approach to optimize underlying ways of doing business for more efficient (effective)OPTIMIZE MEANS: Add value or eliminate waste until the costs of doing so exceed the benefits!To maximize sales will bring in extra sales that cost a firm more than the price they receive for the itemTo optimize such sales is to sell only in situations where there are profitable sales
Unlikely: a Baltimore pizza shop delivering a pizza to Philadelphia – not optimal nor $-effective
Key benefits to business process improvement – BPI:
Higher productivity by an empowered work force (if they are involved in the improvement) Add value at least cost – often by efficiencies or re-use of data or processes Eliminate waste of money, people, materials, time, and opportunitiesBPI IDEAL: Do it cheaper, quicker, easier, safer, with a great deal more job and customer
is a lot of material in Read / View this week. Let me help by
simplifying it – even standardizing it – a bit re the flow of Business
Process Improvement (BPI).
BPI Handbook Approach
Mind Tools BPI
1: Select process(es); establish improvement objective
A1. Form the Right Team – sponsors, project lead,. process owners , users, others who are impacted
A2. Select Linked Processes – that do not add value or contain errors or waste but impact one another (Week 1-3)
2: Organize the “right” team
B1. Sponsor Prioritize Success Factors – re costs, timing, quality (specs), ease-of use = performance expectations
B2. Facilitate Early Stakeholder Buy-In – process owners, users, others re insights / needs / participation (Weeks 2-3)
3: Flowchart current process
1. Map Process
C. Plot AS-IS Process – flowchart; “swim lanes” (Week 4)
2. Analyze Process
D. Assess AS-IS Root Causes of Errors / Waste = Talent / Equipment / Resources / Process (TERP) (Week 4)
4: Simplify process; make changes
3: Redesign Process
E. Create Improved TO-BE for Testing – Add value / eliminate errors and waste (Week 5)
5: Plan data collection; collect baseline data
4: Acquire Resources
F. Plan Testing Approach (Week 5)
6: Is the process stable?
7: Is the process capable?
11: Test the change
G. Conduct Positive & Negative Testing (Week 5)
8: Identify root causes for lack of capability
Best done in Step D above (Week 4)
9: Plan to implement change
12: Is new process stable?
5: Implement / Communicate Change
H. Phase-in change and overcome resistance (Week 6)
10: Modify data collection
13: Did process improve?
14: Standardize process.
6: Review the Process
I. Monitor, Learn, and Adjust (Weeks 7 -8)