I would like you to consider the history of the Latino/a American experience that we have looked over for this module. You all have your own POV on this topic living in so cal. and I would like you to research and find out more of how Latino/a Americans have been, and are represented in our Arts and entertainment. The history of certain stereotypes and character tropes that were commonly seen, used and always reinforced in TV and film from the 50’s through the early 2000’s in TV and film.
This can be topics of:
1. The Issue of “Hyper Masculine Male” Or “Criminal”and it’s affects on modern Cinema
2. Insufficient roles for Latino/a’s in Cinema, T.V. and Theatre
3. Pay gap for Latino/a actors compared to white actors,
4. How many of the common stereotypes that we discussed are still seen and expressed in film and TV. today.
5. Highlighting an Individual Artist and their impact on pop culture and elevating Latino/a culture in some way:
– Director(s)
– Actor(s)
– Playwright(s)/Screenwriter(s)
– Director/Producer
– Any article or video you feel are relevant to our topic and this assignment that you can write a reaction to in line with this assignment
Please culminate your research into a 2-3 page paper, double spaced and cited.
You may embed 1-2 small pictures with your paper as examples of your work.
Access Control Methods
Security Question (60 points) Research some of the access control methods that are utilized within your organization. For example, does your organization leverage public key infrastructure (PKI), key card authentication, or login hours? If you are not currently working, what access control methods have you seen, and how effective were the control methods? Explore the […]