Unit 1 Assignment #2 and Rubric Assignment: Self-Regulation in the Accounting Industry In this Assignment, you will research recent important accounting industry events that have shaped the profession as we know it today.Due to several events, the public and legislators began to doubt the ability of the accounting profession to self-regulate. As a result, Congress reformed the accounting professionâs system used for regulating itself.Checklist:1. Visit the Kaplan Library (access in the course home area) to research the accounting system of self-regulation. Write a page paper – Describe at least one major historical event that occurred in the business world in the past 20 years and discuss how this affected todayâs accounting system of self-regulation.2. Write a page paper – Describe the legislation that altered the self-regulation process of the accounting profession. 3. Write a page paper – Describe the regulation process for accounting firms that audit (A) public companies and (B) non-public companies .4. Write a page paper – Describe how this new self-regulation process would affect you as an auditor working for a large public accounting firm today. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of self-regulation in the accounting profession as a result of the historical events you described.Respond in a minimum of a 2-page, APA-formatted, and citation-styled paper]
Travelling Experience
Can you remember your best experince in another country? Last summer (in 2007), I traveled to the United States for working and spending some time with my friends. I stayed two months in that country. I decided to travel because I wanted to do something different. I was bored about all my daily activities, so […]