Judaism Study Sheet
Study Guide for Judaism
1. Torah: The written law of Jewish faith and culture, consisting of all biblical rules relevant to Judaism. 2. Talmud: The written law of Jewish faith and culture. God revealed the Torah, also known as the Hebrew Bible, to Moses on Mount Sinai. It is also referred to as the Old Testament by non-Jews, as well as the Chumash, Pentateuch, or the Five Books of Moses, depending on who is speaking.
2. Yom Kippur: Known as the “Day of Atonement,” Yom Kippur is often regarded as the most important Jewish festival by the majority of those who practice it. According to the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur is observed on the tenth day of Tishri, or the seventh month, on the day before Passover. Yom Kippur is observed for 25 hours as a total Sabbath, and it includes activities such as fasting, attending synagogue, and not working at all. For Jews, Yom Kippur is a day of repentance and reconciliation with God. It is a day to demonstrate repentance and reconciliation with God before sealing the books in which such offenses have been recorded, according to the Jewish faith.
3. Hasidism: Hasidism, which dates back to the 18th century, was formed by Ukrainian Rabbi Yisroel ben Eliezer (1698-1760) as a denial of mainstream Judaism, with a focus on Talmudic studies as its cornerstone. Hasidism (also known as Chasidism) placed a strong emphasis on mysticism and personal experience as a means of reaching G-d. The Hasidic people live in sects that are structured around a “Rebbe,” or spiritual leader, who serves as their spiritual guide.
4. Moses (also known as Moshe): Moses (c.1391-1271 BCE) was born to Israelite parents and raised by the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh (perhaps Thutmose II or Thutmose III), and he would later lead the Jews out of Egypt, as instructed by God. On Mt. Sinai, he is also credited with writing the Torah, and he is credited with leading the Jews through the wilderness for forty years until they reach the land of Canaan.
5. The Holy of Holies: The room known as the Holy of Holies was the most sacred and innermost part of the ancient tabernacle of Moses (which served as a temporary place of worship while the Israelites of Moses’ day were in the desert) and temple of Jerusalem, and it was the most sacred part of both structures. It was built in the shape of a perfect cube to hold the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest was the only one who had access to the Holy of Holies, and he was only permitted to enter on Yom Kippur in order to atone for his own sins as well as the sins of the entire congregation. It was also said to be the location where God will appear.
God created heaven and earth in six days, and the Jewish day of rest, known in Hebrew as Shabbat, is a method of acknowledging God’s six-day creation of heaven and world. The Sabbath is observed on the seventh day of the week to commemorate the day on which God rested. As a result, Jews are prohibited from working. The Sabbath begins just before sunset on Friday evening and concludes when three stars emerge in the sky on Saturday night, according to Jewish tradition.

Fill in the blanks/short response
1. What three parts of the Hebrew Scriptures are represented by the abbreviation Tanakh?
The Jewish canon is distinguished by its three traditional subdivisions: the Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim (or ten commandments).
2. What are the three main branches of the Jewish community today?
Orthodox, conservative, and reform are the three main denominations.
3. Jewish young people celebrate _______________ when they reach the age of ___ to commemorate their ‘coming of age’.
Boys have Bar Mitzvahs when they are 13 years old, but girls have Bat Mitzvahs when they are 12 years old.
4. The two religions that arose from Judaism are Christianity and Islam, respectively.
5. What was the impetus behind the Zionist movement?
Zionism, which has its roots in the nineteenth century, is a Jewish nationalist movement that advocates for the return of the Jewish people to Zion, or the land of Israel. It arose as a result of the widespread persecution of Jews throughout Europe.
6. During the Holocaust, what method was shown to be the most effective in terms of killing Jews?
They did this through the deployment of poison gas. By the time of the Germans, the technique was referred to as euthanasia.
7. Who was the King who was in charge of the construction of the first Temple?
King Solomon’s throne.
T/F (Time and Frequency) Statements
False 1. The Jewish people see God as a God of Movement, which is correct. 2. Judaism does not have a real creed, which is false 3. Humanistic Jews are monotheists, which is correct. 4. The first temple was constructed and then demolished before the time of Jesus False. 5. Christianity follows the son of Sarah, whilst Islam follows the son of Hagar, Abraham’s concubine. Sixth, mysticism developed within the Jewish faith over the twentieth century FALSE 7. The Sabbath is only observed once a year in Jewish households.
Multiple-Choice Questions
In the text of the Bible, God established a universal covenant with all of humanity.
c) The Lord Jesus Christ
2. Which of the following items would not be permitted on a kosher diet is incorrect:
d) Pepperoni Pizza (pizza with pepperoni)
3. Moses was an a) Israelite by birthright;
4. Women are not ordained in this branch of Judaism (c) Orthodox Judaism.

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