This assignment is a research paper on poet John Greenleaf Whitter. Writers must focus and write about Whittiers written works such as poems and stories, His influences for his writings as well as what those who critiqued him commonly thought. Also, his impact as an advocate of the abolition of slavery, and lastly what made him a fireside poet. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS CLOSELY, ASSIGNMENT SHEET DIRECTIONS ATTACHED.

Directions for the Research Paper in American Literature I

1. All Work must be your own and be written for this course. Plagiarism will result in serious consequences, ranging from failure of the assignment to dismissal from the course. All plagiarism episodes will be referred to the Dean of Students for institutional action, as stipulated in the Academic Integrity section of the Student Conduct Code.

2. Papers must have a main idea or thesis clearly stated in the first paragraph. That thesis must focus on the works of one of the authors from the list of Early American Literature (see list below). This paper is NOT a biography of the writer but a thesis paper about some aspect of the writers work. Please have the author and your thesis approved by the instructor before you do any significant work.

3. You cannot use the first person, I, construction. Remember, this is an academic essay.

4. You must use quotes from the literary works to support your thesis.

5. You must use quotes from outside criticism to support your thesis.

6. You must use at least 5 critical sources from journals, books, newspapers or magazines to get consideration for a C grade. These sources do not include the literary works themselves.

7. The paper must follow Research essay writing service – MLA style, including but not limited to internal citations and a Works Cited page. If you wish to use another format, you must request permission in writing from your instructor to use that style.

8. The paper must be 5-7 pages. That is at least 5 full pages. The minimum length and research will always result in the minimum passing grade, provided the paper fulfills all other requirements.

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