This week, you started your research into your chosen topic. Hopefully, most of you went to the library to conduct this research, but more likely, many of you started with Google. So, what better week to read Nicholas Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (Links to an external site.)

After reading the piece, answer the first two Joining the Conversation questions at the end. Here are the questions again:

1. How does Carr answer his question, “Is Google making us stupid?” and what evidence does he provide to support this answer?

2. What possible objections to his own position does Carr introduce, and why you think he does so? How effectively does he counter these objections?

After answering the Joining the Conversation questions, offer your take on Carr’s central question. Do you think “Google is making us stupid?” Do you agree, disagree, or a bit of both with Carr?

Peer Responses

After posting your own answers, in several sentences respond to the posting of at least two of your classmates. Do they agree with your estimation of Carr’s argument? Agree with a difference? Disagree? Both?

Note: The single most important thing to do when joining a class discussion is to link what you say with what has already been said. It’s usually best to name both the person and the idea you are responding to in order to eliminate any potential misunderstanding.


You began your investigation on your chosen topic this week. Most of you, hopefully, went to the library to do your research, but it’s more probable that you started with Google. So what better time to read Nicholas Carr’s article “Is Google Making Us Dumb?” (This is a link to another website.)

Answer the first two Joining the Conversation questions at the end of the piece after you’ve finished reading it. Here are the questions once more:

1. How does Carr respond to the issue, “Is Google making us stupid?” and what evidence does he present to back up his answer?

2. What potential objections to his own stance does Carr raise, and why do you believe he does so? How well does he respond to these criticisms?

After you’ve answered the Joining the Conversation questions, make an offer.

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Research Helper
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