The following content areas are required in this assignment. 

Intervention Planning and Ethical Considerations: 

Intervention Description: In one- to two-pages, explain your proposed intervention. Explain why you think your population will benefit from the intervention and how it could result in improvements in the area or variable you want to influence. Ensure your explanation draws on the literature you are using to support this choice of intervention. 

Intervention Plan: In one to two pages, describe in chronological order how you will implement your intervention and provide a hypothetical yet practical time-frame for these steps. You may include a chart that organizes how you would implement your intervention from week to week. 

Ethical Considerations – Informed Consent and IRB Approval: In one to two paragraphs, discuss how you would approach informed consent and IRB Approval if you were to implement your action research study. Explain how you would ensure that participants enter the research of their free will and with an understanding of the study and any potential dangers. 

Ethical Considerations- Freedom from Harm: In one to two paragraphs, explain how the literature you reviewed and your plan for implementation leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention and not exposing your participants to risk. 

Ethical Considerations – Anonymity and Confidentiality: In one paragraph, explain your planned measures to use anonymity and confidentiality to avoid privacy invasion and potential harm. 

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Ace Tutors
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