Question description

Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force commanders and liaisons to ICAC affiliates responded to an online survey. Participants represented local, county, state, and federal law enforcement from across the United States. In that study the following information was learned: Sworn personnel in 511 agencies had been exposed to child pornography during investigations of crimes involving child sexual exploitation.Prosecutors and other civilian employees were also exposed to child pornography in many agencies. About half of the survey participants were concerned about the psychological impacts of work exposure to child pornography. 35% of ICAC Task Force participants and 10% of those from affiliates had seen problems arising from work exposure to child pornography. Close to 40% of participants thought more mental health services were needed in their agencies. Few agencies gave information about possible related stresses to personnel who viewed child pornography. Some participants said their work was not supported and respected within their agencies. Many participants supported mandatory introductory programs for personnel starting child pornography investigations, but few supported other mandates.Source: Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Online Survey Report, November 209, Funded by the US Department of Justice, ICAC Training and Technical Assistance Program. What are some ways that police agencies can assist officers in dealing with the effects of investigating child pornography? Can we do a better job training and educating officers about the issue? Do policies need to be in place to deal in advance with officers investigating these crimes? Your assignment is to answer the above questions. The paper should be a minimum 2-3 page, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins paper. Page numbering is required. Assignment will be written according to strict APA guidelines. A cover page, abstract with key terms, a main body with conclusions and a reference page is required but is not part of the page total. An APA style guide for referencing and abstract with key terms is available on our class site under the Resources tab. Grammar, spelling, typographical accuracy and a good writing style will be considered in determining your grade.

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