Prompt: Pick one Western philosopher (Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides) and one non-Western philosopher (Ashoka, Laozi, Confucius, or Al-Farabi). Then, discuss two points of differences between the two in their approaches to state and state-society relations. Based on the readings, do you think Western and Non-Western political thinkings are similar or are they extensively divergent? Qualify your position using evidence from the readings.


  • Font style: Times New Roman; Font size: 12
  • 1-inch margins on all sides of the document
  • 2-3 pages long (double-spaced), with a separate reference page.
  • Ace homework tutors – APA citation or Chicago style citation throughout the text (in-text citations) and on the Reference page. I need help writing my essay – research paper visit the OWL Purdue website for detailed instructions on citation. the  (Links to an external site.)
  • Failure to cite any materials used will result in an automatic zero for the assignment.
  • Do not include any direct quotes in the writing assignments.
  • Links for some of the readings: 
  • – Research Paper Writing Help Service/04/06/can-the-united-states-and-china-avoid-a-thucydides-trap/
  • I need help writing my essay – research paper refer to the grading rubric below for specific grading criterion. 

Category and requirements

Points allotted 

1.     Answer the question: the student answers all parts of the question adequately. The language clearly expresses his/her ideas. The student provides clear details from the weekly assigned readings


2.     Critical thinking: the student engages with the texts that go beyond a simple summary. The student brings in multiple sources or authors that challenge each others’ views. The student also brings in his/her own thinking that challenges the texts or presents a unique analysis of them.


3.     Grammar and spelling: the text demonstrates an effective editing process. The text contains little to no grammatical or spelling errors.


4.     Citation: the student cites the sources using proper Ace homework tutors – APA or Chicago citation format throughout the text and in the reference page




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