Infancy Interview
For this assignment write 1 – 2 pages about an infant (0-2 yrs). If you do not know anyone with an infant or cannot find anyone with an infant, complete the Infancy Autobiography. To learn about the infant, you will interview one of its parents or caretakers. You will then write an analysis of the interview.
Rules about the interview:
• It can be done virtually (e.g. Zoom), in person, or over the phone. But it does need to be an interview. You cannot just e-mail the questions.
• If possible, you should record the interview and then take notes later. This will allow you to feel more like you are having a real conversation rather than just typing while the other person talks.
• This is the only interview where you will not interview the subject directly.
For the interview, ask the following questions:
• What is a typical day like for the infant?
• What activities do they (the infant) enjoy most?
• What activities do they (the infant) enjoy least?
• Describe their “best friend” (someone besides the primary caregiver that has a bond with the infant). What qualities does he/she have?
• What is their greatest achievement thus far? (Examples might be learning to crawl, walk, say something, etc.)
• What is the biggest challenge they present for their caretaker?
• What are you (the caregiver) looking forward to in the infant’s near future (within the next year)?
• What are you (the caregiver) looking forward to in the infant’s far future (5, 10, or 20 years down the road)?
Make sure the written report includes the following:
• A brief introduction. It does not need to be long but at least a few sentences that let us know what we should be expecting to read (a developmental analysis).
• An analysis of the subject’s development. The best approach is to have one paragraph for each of the domains listed in the assignment directions (socioemotional, cognitive, and physical). If there is anything that might be considered non-normative, include that as well in a separate paragraph.
o All three domains must be addressed and this paper should incorporate at least three developmental concepts/terms from at least two domains. A concept is a word that is bolded in the assigned reading. When you use a concept from the assigned reading or class put it in bold. Define the concepts you use and explain how the concept was demonstrated in your life.
• A brief conclusion that sums up the subject’s development. This only needs to be a few sentences
This is a developmental analysis of a 1-year-old infant. The interview was conducted with the infant’s primary caregiver to understand the infant’s typical day, activities, friendships, and developmental milestones.

Socioemotional Development:
The infant is described as a happy and curious child who loves to explore and learn new things. The caregiver reported that the infant has formed a strong attachment bond with them and is most content when they are close. The infant has also formed a bond with a few close family members who they refer to as their “best friends.” These friends have a nurturing and patient personality that the infant is drawn to.

Cognitive Development:
The infant’s curiosity and desire to learn new things have been observed as they engage in activities that encourage exploration, such as playing with toys and reaching for objects. The caregiver reported that the infant has achieved several cognitive milestones, such as crawling and starting to walk, which have allowed them to better understand and interact with their environment. The caregiver is looking forward to the infant’s future cognitive developments, such as their language and problem-solving skills.

Physical Development:
The infant is described as being active and playful, which is evident in their physical movements and interactions with their environment. The caregiver reported that the infant enjoys playing with toys, crawling, and starting to walk, which have allowed them to develop their motor skills and coordination. The biggest challenge the infant presents for their caregiver is ensuring their safety as they explore and become more mobile.

The infant is developing well in all three domains of socioemotional, cognitive, and physical development. They are described as a happy, curious, and active child who loves to learn and explore their environment. The caregiver reported that the infant has formed strong attachment bonds with close family members and has achieved several developmental milestones. The caregiver is looking forward to the infant’s future developments in language and problem-solving skills.

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