In this chapter, three essential characteristics of an effective therapeutic relationship were identified: empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence or genuineness. Therapists also instill hope in their clients. List each of these characteristics on a piece of paper. Then select at least one (but no more than three) that you believe is already a strength for you. For each, write out your rationale for believing you would be successful in transmitting that quality to a client. For example, you might perceive yourself as very empathic because you can easily engage people in conversations and are a good listener who is not judgmental. For each of the items you did not select, write down one change you might make to maximize your ability to transmit that characteristic to clients. For example, you might try to communicate more unconditional positive regard to others by deliberately acknowledging positive statements they have made about themselves. To improve your ability to communicate hope, you might focus on making fewer judgmental statements and instead look for new possibilities.
List some of the important perspectives or viewpoints you would bring with you if you were a client. Ace my homework – Write briefly about how you would like a therapist to adapt counseling to meet your needs. What can you learn from this about your own work as a therap

Empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence or authenticity were recognized as three fundamental elements of a good therapeutic interaction in this chapter. Therapists instill optimism in their clients as well. On a piece of paper, write down each of these features. Then pick at least one (but no more than three) that you think is already a strength for you. Ace my homework – Write down your reasoning for feeling you would be effective in transferring that quality to a client for each. For example, you may consider yourself to be highly empathic because you can easily engage people in conversation and are a good listener who is not judgmental. Ace my homework – Write down one adjustment you might make to maximize your ability to transmit that thing for each of the items you did not select.

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Research Helper
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