In many inner city areas, young people are forced to engage in violence because of the
circumstances under which they find themselves. Many live in very violent communities
without the possibility of leaving most of their lives, are faced with crowded schools with
few caring adults, have very little hope for good employment, have parents that are addicted
to drugs, are responsible for emotionally and financially taking care of younger siblings and
have to face a brutal police force that is sometimes motivated by bias.

1. Should we as a society blame a child who grows up in such an environment for criminal acts?

2. What role should society play in making sure that crime is prevented at an earlier age?


Because of the situations in which they find themselves, young people in many inner-city regions are driven to engage in violence. Many people live in extremely violent neighborhoods.

Without the option of leaving for the majority of their life, they are forced to attend overcrowded schools.

There are few caring adults, there is little chance for gainful job, and both parents are hooked.

to drugs, are emotionally and financially responsible for caring for younger siblings, and

have to deal with a tough police force that is sometimes biased.

1. Should we, as a society, hold illegal acts against a child who grows up in such an environment?

2. What role should society play in preventing crime from occurring at a young age?

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Research Helper
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