In his description of the relationship between happiness, the highest good, and God (Book III, Prose 10-12), how does Boethius make use of Platonic thinking in general and about the Forms in particular? Consider especially how Plato describes the relationship of beautiful things to The Beautiful in Phaedo 100b-e (but also think about his arguments there in general). Consider also how Plato describes the forms as “divine” and the soul purified by philosophy as “godlike” and “divine.”


How does Boethius apply Platonic thought in general and about the Forms in particular in his depiction of the link between happiness, the highest good, and God (Book III, Prose 10-12)? Consider how, in Phaedo 100b-e, Plato outlines the link between beautiful objects and The Beautiful (but also think about his arguments there in general). Consider also how Plato describes the forms as “divine” and the soul purified by philosophy as “godlike” and “divine.”

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