Importance of Scanning External Environment
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Scanning External Environment
Although the External Environmental trends is a leading issue on the corporate sector across the globe, one of the setbacks that have massively altered the state of business people is the presence of emerging trends that have changed the perception of many entrepreneurs towards the patterns. Taking the case study of the health care system, the cases of external environmental trends are affecting the state’s socially through deterioration in Health. Therefore, it is worth analyzing the importance of external environmental trends like location, technology, regulation, competition, and demography affect health and health care.
Location as a Negative social factor makes it difficult for many people to access quality care, which in turn negatively affects their health when they can easily access the location of the hospice as first as possible. Population changes will have significant implications for the healthcare system, both regarding the delivery of patient care and the practice of nursing. High population making both private and public sector not to cater for affects the health care systems, besides improved public health, have led to an increase in the average life span. This will lead to extended treatment of long-term chronic conditions, challenging the healthcare system’s ability to provide efficient care (Constantinides & Fountain, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers).
Technology affects both our physical and mental health. Some of these effects are short-term, whereas others may be permanent. On the positive side, technology can assist to invent high-end machines used to diagnose diseases, and we can be decisive in determining the aftermath of technology on a person’s health. Along with assessment, we must also educate our patients on the importance of balance when using technology ( Hillestad, & Berkowitz, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online).

Medical practices in less competitive health-care markets charge more for service According to Charter 2017, areas with the least competition had higher charges for than those of the markets with the highest levels of competition. The government imposes strict rules and regulation by enhancing harsh conditions on the entry and exit into the health care market, and lastly, the government will always ensure equal distribution of resources across the state. In conclusion, many trends affecting the environment has caused considerable harm both to the health sector.

Constantinides, E., & Fountain, S. J. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). Web 2.0: Conceptual foundations and marketing issues. Journal of direct, data and digital marketing practice, 9(3), 231-244.
Charter, M. (2017). Greener marketing: A responsible approach to business. Routledge.
Hillestad, S. G., & Berkowitz, E. N. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Health care market strategy: from planning to action. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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