Imagine that you are an international assignee being sent abroad by a US owned MNE for a 1-year assignment. The country to which you are being assigned has temperatures that regularly drop below zero. There are days when it is literally unsafe to go outside because it is so cold.

Submit your answers to these questions as a file (DOC) attachment below:

Could a company pay you enough to endure this hardship for a year? If so, how much incentive do you think it would take to get you to accept the assignment? 10% premium? 30%? 50%? 100%?
Would your answer to the question above change if you were to bring your spouse and 2 small children on the assignment with you?
What other questions might you have for HR personnel regarding your specific hardship?
What would be your greatest concern about this hardship?
What might you do in preparation for enduring this hardship?


Assume you are an international assignee sent abroad for a one-year assignment by a US-owned multinational corporation. Temperatures in the country to which you have been assigned regularly fall below zero. It is literally dangerous to go outside on some days because it is so cold.

I need help writing my essay – research paper submit your responses to the following questions as a file (DOC) attachment:

Could a company pay you enough to put up with this for a year? If so, how much incentive do you think you’d need to accept the assignment? What is a 10% premium? thirty percent? What percentage is it? 50%? 100%?

Would your answer to the preceding question change if you brought your spouse and two small children with you on the assignment?

What are your other concerns?

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