Complete the Individual ExerciseProvide thoughtful answers to each of the questions and show application of yourchapter material. External references are not required.Be sure to fully answer the last two questions in the exercise.I look forward to reading your submissions!EXERCISE:Ideas for Developing Yourself as an Authentic LeaderAuthentic leaders have high levels of self-awareness, and their behavior is driven by their corepersonal values. This leadership approach recognizes the importance of self-reflection andunderstanding oneâs life history. Answer the following questions while you are alone to gain a betterunderstanding of your own core values and authentic leadership style. oo oo o Understand Your HistoryReview your life history. What are the major events in your life?How did these events make you the person you are right now?Think about your role models. Who were your role models as youwere growing up? What did you learn from your role models?Take Stock of Who You Are NowWrite a page paper – Describe your personality. How does your personality affect yourlife?Know your strengths and weaknesses. What are they and how canyou continue to improve yourself?Reflect on Your Successes and ChallengesKeep a journal. Research shows that journaling is an effective toolfor self-reflection. Write down challenges you face and solutions you usedto check your progress.Make Integrity a Priority oo o Understand your core values. What are your core values? Namethree of your most important values.Do an ethics check. Are you being consistent with your corevalues? If not, how can you get back on track?Understand the Power of WordsWords shape reality. Keep in mind that the words you use todescribe people and situations matter. For example, how might the dailyreality be different if you refer to those you manage as associates or teammembers rather than employees or subordinates? In view of your answers to the questions above, what kind of a leader would you be if you truly actedout your values? How would people working with you respond to such a leadership style?
Israel: A Blessing to All Nations
“I will make of you a great nation? And you shall be a blessing? And all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you” (Gen. 12:2-3). Israel is a blessing to the other nations. As long as Israel succeeds in informing other peoples and proving that Yahweh is God, it will be understood […]