‘-write an essay focusing on the relationship between its institutional function and a central idea (or ideal) it is meant to embody.
– In general, for each essay you will consider and explain how the central institution of the branch (Congress, the Presidency, the Supreme Court) was designed to function. Related to that, what idea (for example, democracy or representation) or ideal (for example, justice or efficiency) is the branch meant to embody or reflect or secure? How does it do this? Is the institution well-functioning today? You might also consider what it would take to reform the institution so that it can properly and effectively embody the appropriate idea. It is up to you to select an idea/ideal, explain what it means, and how the institution embodies it- or fails to.
-In these essays, I expect you to reference the relevant readings assigned in this class.(provided on top, if needed so please use one article from an outside source) Outside research is not necessary. Of course, I will not mark an essay down for using outside sources effectively, but that is not a required part of the assignment. However, I will repeat: Effectively using the readings assigned for this class is a required part of the assignment.
-Examine the functioning of the Legislative branch with an Idea and the Institutional purpose in mind.
Explain how the institution was designed to function. What idea does the institution embody? Focus on one. How does it do this?