I need help writing my essay – research paper make sure this Marketing IMC plan is ORIGINAL with GREAT creativity. Due by Saturday 08.15.20 (3pm) *****
My Marketing project is: Eunice “Yoga Studio”
This is the capstone to your marketing plan. This week you’ll apply what we have learned in Module 7 about advertising, promotion and the promotional mix to develop your IMC plan. The instructions and requirements can be found here. Pay close attention to the requirements for mock-ups or examples of your plan. You are required to use the creative brief format described in the requirements. This part of your plan is challenging but can also be fun – get creative and try some new stuff. Click here for examples of IMC mock-ups.
You will also be required submit a narrated PowerPoint in Module 8. This will be graded. For a list of requirements and some presentation tips, click here.
Submit the Marketing Plan: IMC to the assignment folder no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.
IMC Activity Examples Project Plan IMC
This is the culmination of your marketing plan and will carry more weight in the grading. In this section you will detail the advertising and promotional activities you will use in your project. You have many options regarding what IMC plans you create for your project and should select those that best fit your product/service/non-profit. You should also select those that interest you personally or professionally. You are required to complete TWO advertising or promotional IMC items for your product or service. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED MODULE 7! THE GRADING WILL ASSUME YOU HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION FROM THE MODULE AND ELDER CARE SCENARIO. There are two parts to your IMC assignment. First, you will complete a creative brief for each of your activities. There is an example below. Second, you will create an example or mock-up of your activity. You will find some examples in Module Seven. These examples will not cover all the options you might select for your IMC activities. They will, however, give you some ideas regarding what is expected of you. Generally, everything you need to do can be created in PowerPoint or similar applications. BE SURE THAT IF YOU USE ANY GRAPHIC PROGRAM OTHER THAN MS OFFICE YOU SUBMIT YOUR EXAMPLES OR MOCKUPS AS PDFs SO YOUR INSTRUCTOR CAN VIEW THEM. Note that you are not expected to be a graphic artist or Website designer. Nor are you expected to create an entire social media campaign. You ARE expected to demonstrate that you have a basic understanding of the IMC activities you have selected. Some IMC Options: Here are just some of the options you have for an IMC activity. Select any TWO of these or add ideas of your own. You may use any one option ONCE. You must select two different activities. NO “flyers” allowed. Flyers are not marketing, they are wat you use to announce the school dance. These are ONLY suggestions – feel free to use your imagination. Magazine print ad Radio ad TV commercial Social media YouTube ad Guerilla campaign Direct mail Direct email Press release Outdoor ad (billboard, bus ad, car wrap) Coupons Trade show or event Web site (create your landing page) Regardless of which options you select, you will be required to complete a Creative Brief using a format similar to the one below. Creative briefs: Creative briefs are used as a standard template to communicate between those involved in a marketing communication project. This might be between an ad agency and their client or between marketing staff members and their director. The exact information and the template will vary from organization to organization, but the one below is fairly common. In our class, you will use the brief to describe the IMC portion of your marketing plan. These will be included in your final written project and your presentation.