Research Critique Assignment (Individual) (15% each/30% total)
One Quantitative
One Qualitative
Choose one qualitative and one quantitative article that interest you from CINAHL, MEDLINE, EBSCO, GoogleScholar, or pubMed.
You will select a quantitative and a qualitative nursing research article. Each study’s main components should be summarized. A critique also contains comments about the positive and negative aspects of the study and the report of the study. The critique should be written as concisely as possible, no longer than five pages, typewritten, double-spaced. The paper should address all parts of the report equally, with strengths and weaknesses outlined where appropriate. Where possible, include suggestions for improvement. A copy of the research discussed must be submitted with the assignment. At least one of the lead authors on each article must be a nurse. Use the research critique guide provided by your professor to complete this assignment.